
A gem to wrap the libmcpp C preprocessor.

Mcpp itself can be found at


  1. Install mcpp as a shared library.
  2. gem install mcpp

ffi is a requirement, but should be installed automatically by this gem if not already installed.


Mcpp is a very simple wrapper that exposes a single method, preprocess, that expects 0 or more arguments that correspond to the arguments that you would pass to mcpp if running it on the command line.

The examples are hopefully more enlightening than the previous paragraph was.

The actual arguments that can be passed are identical to those used by the command line program, and are enumerated in the mcpp man page, or online at


require 'mcpp'

# Read from stdin, write to stdout

# Read from a file, write to stdout
Mcpp.preprocess '/path/to/file.c' 

# Read from a file, write to another file
Mcpp.preprocess '/path/to/infile.c', '/path/to/outfile'

# More arguments
Mcpp.preprocess '-DSOME_DEFINE', '-N', '-P', '-eutf8', 'relative/path/to/infile.c', 'path/to/outfile.cpp'