The Gem notifies you of application exceptions by email and adds some useful information about the request and the client issuing the request. It is heavily inspired by the exceptional gem and takes some of it design for the HTML email.
Install the gem in your Rails 3 App as usual:
gem install me_exceptional
After you have installed MeExceptional and added it to your Gemfile, run the generator.
rails generate me_exceptional:install
The generator will create an initializer which you MUST take a look at and configure.
NOTE: Support for Rails 2.x is not provided so far.
Getting Started
Being an engine MeExceptional has mailer and views already set up for you to get started; if your app raises an exception production mode you will get notified by email (note: doesn’t work for routing errors so far because of a bug in rails). You may, however change view and mailer to suit you better.
Configuring views
If you want to change the email, you just need to invoke the generator that copies it over to your application:
rails generate me_exceptional:views
This copies the mailer views to “/app/views/me_exceptional”.
Configuring mailer
In case you also want to customize the mailer, invoke the mailer generator:
rails generate me_exceptional:mailer
This creates the directory “/app/mailers/me_exceptional” with the mailer contained.
Usage outside of ActionController
To use MeExceptional outside ActionController, i.e. in delayed jobs, you must include the BasicExtension and specifiy the methods you want to catch exceptions from in the class definition.
class Dummy
include MeExceptional::BasicExtension
def some_error
raise "some error"
def another_error
raise "some error"
rescue_mail_from_methods :some_error, :another_error
Remember to put the call to rescue_mail_from_methods after the method definitions because the methods will be aliased.
more gem side configuration options
asynchronous mailing options
routing errors and other errors