This gem is now deprecated. Please use the Clockwork SMS gem to send SMS using Mediaburst's new SMS API, Clockwork.

If you feel you must use it, or are using the gem in a legacy application, instructions are below.


Install the gem as normal:

sudo gem install mediaburst

The Mediaburst gem also relies on Nokogiri for XML parsing.


Create an instance of the Mediaburst client:

client ='username', 'password')

Send an SMS:

response = client.send_message('441234567890', 'My test message')

Send a message to several numbers:

response = client.send_message(['441234567890', '441234567891', '441234567892'], 'My test message')

Send a long message to several numbers using the concat option:

options = {
  :concat => 3

response = client.send_message(['441234567890', '441234567891', '441234567892', '44'], SOME_LONG_MESSAGE, options)

Send a long message with a custom from address from option:

options = {
  :concat => 3,
  :from => 'RubyDemo'

response = client.send_message(['441234567890', '441234567891', '441234567892', '44'], SOME_LONG_MESSAGE, options)

Check the response for errors:

y response
=> ---
   "441234567890": true
   "441234567891": true
   "441234567892": true
   "44": 10

On error, the value of the key referenced by the number will equal the error code returned from Mediaburst.

Checking the Account's Credit

Create an instance of the Mediaburst client:

client ='username', 'password')

Request the credit amount

=> "150"

Given invalid credentials, this method will return nil. If the server responds with anything other than a 200, a Mediaburst::ServerError exception is raised.


The source for the gem is hosted on GitHub for you to peruse, fork and contribute to.

To enable us to easily manage your contributions, please submit your pull requests as single commits that include tests to show your changes working as normal. Please do not change the version number - we'll take care of that as we merge your changes.


Copyright © 2012 Mediaburst, released under the ISC license.