
Links to products/projects used:

Ruby wrappers around the MelissaData objects. The code to access the raw shared objects is based on the sample code provided by the MelissaData DVDs / downloads.


Make sure these are all installed on your development machine:

Quick Start

Once all the prereqs are installed, run these commands to get your local environment setup:

git clone git://
cd melissadata
rake setup

Now make sure you have your MelissaData license string and a MelissaData DVD (or .dmg) mounted (e.g. IPL-DVD-2011-Q1), and run:

rake md:install

Now you should be able to fire up an IRB session irb -r melissadata and run:

irb> md = MelissaData.client
irb> md.ip ''

which should return:

=> {:domain_name=>"", :country_abbrev=>"US", :region=>"California", :zip=>"94043",
    :isp=>"Google Inc", :lat=>"37.386052", :country=>"United States", :city=>"Mountain View",
    :lng=>"-122.083851", :messages=>{:status=>["IP Address found in database"]}, :result_codes=>"IS01"}