Method Object

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Provides a lightweight and dependency-free solution for the creation of method objects, a common pattern used to ease the extraction of complex methods from other classes and for the implementation of service objects.

The method object pattern is advisable when a method is too long and difficult to separate due to tangled masses of local variables that are hard to isolate from each other: the solution is to extract the entire method into a separate class and turn its local variables into fields of the class; this allows isolating the problem at the class level and it paves the way for splitting a large and unwieldy method into smaller ones that would not fit with the purpose of the original class anyway.

This gem also provides a uniform interface to write service objects, that is a common way to extract common operations from models and controllers in Rails application. Borrowing the design from an article on what the author defines as "Gourmet Service Object", it provides some plumbing to implement such a pattern, with objects that expose an operation as their entry-point.

The interface exposed by a MethodObject is similar to the one of a proc/lambda, exposing a call method both at class and instance level and a convenience to_proc method to convert it to a Proc. Other neat features include optional type checking for the arguments and inheritance between method objects.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'methodobject'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install methodobject


Defining and invoking a method object

class ComplexCalculation < MethodObject
  # Type checking is optional. If omitted, anything is accepted.
  # Type checking can also be done with a proc or anything that responds to #===
  # e.g. parameter :start_number, ->(p) { p.respond_to?(:to_i) }
  parameter :start_number, Integer

  # Parameters that define a default are optional.
  # `default` supports also a proc, that gets evaluated at
  # object instantiation.
  # e.g. default: -> { }
  parameter :end_number, Integer, default: 2

  # Defines the `call` method body.
  # Inheritance works also as expected. Calling `super()` invokes
  # superclass' implementation.
  called do
    @magic_number = 42


  def perform_complex_calculation
    # The arguments are available as accessors
    start_number + end_number + @magic_number

# The class-method version of `call` accepts the arguments as named parameters 1, end_number: 3) #=> 46 1)                #=> 45 3)                  #=> raise MethodObject::UnknownParameter

# `call` can also be omitted, as per usual Ruby semantics
ComplexCalculation.(start_number: 1)

# The class-method version of `to_proc` returns a proc that takes the same arguments 1)

# The method object can also be instantiated, passing the arguments to the constructor
# or to the accessors
calculation = 3)
calculation.start_number = 1 # => 46

calculation.end_number = 2 # => 45

# The instance-method version of `to_proc` returns a lambda that calls the method object
# with the parameters currently set # => 45

Using the method object as a block

class NameSayer < MethodObject
  parameter :name

  called { "You're #{name}" }

def say_my_name
  puts "- Say my name."
  puts "- " + yield(name: "Heisenberg")
  puts "- You're goddamn right!"

# Output:
# - Say my name.
# - You're Heisenberg
# - You're goddamn right!


  • MethodObject::ParameterRequired is raised when a required parameter is not set on call
  • MethodObject::InvalidParameterValue is raised when a given value's type does not match the type specified for the parameter
  • MethodObject::UnknownParameter is raised when using an undefined parameter

All these classes inherit from MethodObject::ParameterError, which inherits from ArgumentError.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.