
This is a primitive JRuby wrapper around Coda Hale's Metrics library. It is very incomplete and still a work in progress. Feedback is appreciated.

How to Use

Somewhere during the initialization of your app, you should set the name of your app. If you do not, it will default to "MyProject"

MetricsJ.app_name = "Foo App"

You can view the metrics that your app is collecting by running jconsole from the command line. Select your JRuby app and navigate to the "MBeans" tab.


class Foo
  extend MetricsJ::Meter

  meter :bar

  def baz
    # Do something...



Most everything, still:

  • Gauges
  • Counters
  • Histograms
  • Timers
  • Health Checks

In addition, there will be a Rails and a Sinatra/Padrino plugin that will hopefully hide most of these details.