
Metrics in a key-value store.

Accepts, summarizes, and stores continuous metrics updates to a key-value store. Answers queries in constant time.

We assume that the backing key-value store is fast, durable, and supports TTL. Initial implementation will use Couchbase.


Follow the instructions at to install the couchbase gem.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'metricstore'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install metricstore


m = Metricstore.couchbase(:hostname => "localhost")

# Configure...
m.ttl_of_hours = 31_556_926 # 1 year, default
m.max_ttl_of_dimension[:session_id] = 7200 # 2 hours
m.list_threshold = 1000 # default

# Open the connection

# (Suppose that the current time is 17:05 UTC on April 13, 2012.)

m.counter(:when =>, :what => "logins", :where =>
 {:user => 'joe', :ip => ''})
m.counter(:when =>, :what => "logins", :where =>
 {:user => 'bob', :ip => ''})
m.counter(:when =>, :what => "logins", :where =>
 {:user => 'joe', :ip => ''})

m.measure(:when =>, :what => "load_time", :value => 340, :where =>
 {:page => '/welcome/', :session_id => "h0zhmb1c-u1xfgw305e"})
m.measure(:when =>, :what => "load_time", :value => 501, :where =>
 {:page => '/welcome/', :session_id => "h0zhmb2q-643dotlcgd"})
m.measure(:when =>, :what => "load_time", :value => 212, :where =>
 {:page => '/welcome/', :session_id => "h0zhmb1c-u1xfgw305e"})
m.measure(:when =>, :what => "load_time", :value => 343, :where =>
 {:page => '/welcome/', :session_id => "h0zhmb2q-643dotlcgd"})

# Now we can query...

m.count(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "logins")
 => 3
m.list(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "logins", :list => :user)
 => ['joe', 'bob']
m.count(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "logins", :where => {:user => 'joe'})
 => 2
m.count(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "logins", :where => {:user => 'bob'})
 => 1
m.list(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "logins", :where => {:user => 'joe'}, :list => :ip)
 => ['', '']
m.list(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "logins", :where => {:user => 'bob'}, :list => :ip)
 => ['']
m.count(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "logins", :where => {:user => 'joe', :ip => ''})
 => 1

m.count(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time")
 => 4
m.sum(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time")
 => 1396
m.average(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time")
 => 349.0
m.maximum(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time")
 => 501
m.minimum(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time")
 => 212
m.stddev(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time")
 => 102.45730818248154
m.list(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time", :list => :page)
 => ['/welcome/']

# We can do queries related to groups as well, with some limitations.
# We only guarantee the accuracy of a particular group summary if for every
# member in the group, all the metrics related to that member were loaded
# from start-to-finish before the preceeding such metric expired its TTL.
# Note: a range is the difference between the minimum and maximum metric,
# for an individual group.

m.count_of_groups(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time", :group => :session_id)
 => 2
m.sum_of_ranges(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time", :group => :session_id)
 => 286
m.average_range(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time", :group => :session_id)
 => 143
m.maximum_range(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time", :group => :session_id)
 => 158
m.minimum_range(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time", :group => :session_id)
 => 128
m.stddev_of_ranges(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time", :group => :session_id)
 => 15.0

# Supposing there were instead millions of counter and measure operations,
# metricstore may reach its list_threshold. Some queries will fail.

m.list(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time", :list => :page)
 => ['/welcome/', '/projects/']

m.list(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time", :list => :session_id)
Metricstore::DataLossError: Too many session_id for "2012-04-13-17", "load_time".

m.estimated_list_size(:when => "2012-04-13-17", :what => "load_time", :list => :session_id)
 => 3560831



The Metricstore client's write methods (counter, measure) are designed to run within an EventMachine reactor. This allows writes to be batched up together (only when there's a backlog), and to re-try in the case of intermittent connection problems or other non-fatal errors. You will want to design your app to leave the reactor running.

If it does not make sense to leave a reactor running in your app, you can make your updates within a temporary reactor using the client's "run" method. Be aware though, that the "run" method itself will block until the write backlog is clear again.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request