The MF60 is a portable, personal WIFI hotspot that is sold worldwide in countries like Australia and Switzerland (where I live). Apparently, over a million of these devices were sold in Australia alone last year.
$ gem install mf60
$ mf60 --help
Like most hotspots, it comes with a pretty pitiful web interface and not much in the way of an API. I commute on the train frequently, and I sometimes find I need to reset the box. I was curious to see if I could somehow automate that a little bit. For instance, I wanted to be able to quickly disconnect/reconnect from the command-line, or maybe gather statistics. So I wrote this library.
Note: When you are logged into the admin interface from a browser, you will be logged out as soon as you connect with this library. That's just the way it goes.
The Swisscom MF60 from ZTE is known to work with this, but other carriers and devices may be compatible. Let me know.
By default, the library attempts to connect to the device's web admin interface at You can change the address with an environment variable,MF60URL
$ export MF60URL="http://swisscom-mf60.home"
or, in an app:
# ENV['MF60URL'] = ""
There's just one class to use, MF60::Client
> require 'MF60'
> mf60 ='admin', 'secret')
> mf60.reset
=> true
Statistics and status are returned as a hash:
> mf60.stats
=> {:current_trans=>1133211, :current_recv=>2884959, :connect_time=>"29:33", :total_recv=>222000830}
See the command-line utility source for descriptions of the keys.
Command-line Utility ##
A command-line utility gets installed with the gem, called mf60
. Before using it, set the admin interface password via an environment variable:
$ export MF60PW="secret"
$ MF60PW="secret" mf60 status
There are just a few tasks supported for now:
$ mf60
mf60 connect # Connect to the cellular network
mf60 disconnect # Disconnect from the cellular network
mf60 help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task
mf60 reset # Reset the WAN connection
mf60 stats # Get statistics and usage info
mf60 status # Display connection status and signal strength
Tracking signal strength can be interesting as well:
$ mf60 status
MF60 Current Status
Provider : Swisscom
Network Type : UMTS
Device State : modem_init_complete
rscp/ecio : 176/16
rssi : 11
signal : ▁ ▂ ▃......
The signal meter is probably not that accurate (needs tweaking) and doesn't work at all when on GPRS (2G).
There's no official published protocol for this device that I know of. Firebug and Firefox were used to inspect and reverse engineer the web admin interface of the device.
I hope to soon write a stats-gathering script so I can graph signal strength along different train lines.
The project is built with HTTParty and Thor. Both libraries were fun and awesome to use.