
A tiny mocking script.

MicroMock doesn't make any assumptions about the testing framework. It leaves assertions/expectations up to you.

Calling it a mocking script is a bit of a misnomer since its really a dynamic class generator. The term "stub" is used loosely since it adds real behavior... and "mocking" a class with real behavior proves to be quite useful.


gem install micro_mock


# mock a class method
Mock = MicroMock.make
Mock.stub(:foo) { true }

# make assertions
assert Mock.foo # Test::Unit
Mock.foo.should be_true # RSpec

# mock an instance method
m = Mock.new
m.stub(:bar) { false }

# make assertions
assert_equal false, m.bar # Test::Unit
m.bar.should eq false # RSpec

# setup mock internal behavior
count = 1
m.stub(:a) { count += 1 }
m.stub(:b) { |i| self.a if i > 5 }

# make assertions
10.times { |i| m.b(i) }
assert_equal 5, count # Test::Unit
count.should eq 5 # RSpec

Of course you wouldn't normally test the mock itself... rather the code that uses the mock. I'll work on adding some real world examples.

# create a mock that subclasses Array
Mock = MicroMock.make(Array)
list = Mock.new
list << 1
list.stub :say_hi do |name|
  "Hi #{name}!"
list.say_hi "Nate" # => "Hi Nate!"