Actually it’s a set of templates to introduce RESTful routes in Sinatra. The only thing for you to do is to provide the views. The routes and some url helpers will be provided behind the scenes.
Guess what!
sudo gem source —add sudo gem install blindgaenger-sinatra-restUsage
Of course you need to require the gem in your Sinatra application:
require ‘rubygems’ require ‘sinatra’ require ‘sinatra/rest’It’s very similar to defining routes in Sinatra (get
, post
, …). But this
time you don’t define the routes by yourself, but use the model’s name for
For example, if the model’s class is called Person
you only need to add this
Which will add the following RESTful routes to your application. (Note the
pluralization of Person
to the /people/*
- GET /people
- GET /people/new
- POST /people
- GET /people/:id
- GET /people/:id/edit
- PUT /people/:id
- DELETE /people/:id
But the real benefit is, that these routes define a restful standard behaviour on your model, appropriate routing and redirecting and named url helpers.
For instance, you can imagine the following code to be added for the /people
and /people/:id
# simply add this line
rest Person, :renderer => :erb
# and this is generated for you
get '/people' do
@people = Person.all
erb :"people/index",
put '/people/:id' do
@person = Person.find_by_id(params[:id])
redirect url_for_people_show(@person), 'person updated'
# further restful routes for Person ...
That’s only half the truth! The routes are generated dynamically, so all defaults can be overridden (the behaviour, after/before callbacks, used renderer, which routes are added).
For more details and options, please have a look at the pages in the Sinatra-REST Wiki on Github.
- Homepage @ GitHub Pages
- Source Code @ GitHub
- Documentation @
- Continuous Integration @ RunCodeRun
- Gem hosting @ Gemcutter
You can contact me via mail at blindgaenger at gmail dot com, or leave me a message on my Github profile.