
The simplest CMS ever. This project is a mix between frontendeditor_ckeditor and acts_as_page.

What this cms is not doing for

This gem is a very simple CMS. If you want a complete CMS interface, use RefineryCMS. If you want a simple multisite manager, use locomotivecms. If you want to use a huge, terrible and horrible monster, use Joomla! (No, seriously, don’t use Joomla! Never).

What this cms is doing for

This gem is integrable with any tool. It is just a page model with an editor. See the section Tool suggested to have some ideas.

The goal is to use a simple CMS which simply manage pages and use the powerful of rails to manage other part of a website like the contact page, images, etc. It's also good to use the strength of other tool.


  1. Add minimalist_cms in your Gemfile;
  2. Run rake minimalist_cms_engine:install:migrations db:migrate;
  3. Create a new file app\assets\javascripts\minimalist_cms like this :

    //= require jquery
    //= require jquery_ujs
    //= require underscore
    //= require backbone
    //= require jquery.ui.effect-highlight.js
    //= require ckeditor/init_ckeditor
    //= require frontend_editor/frontend_editor
    //= require minimalist_cms/minimalist_cms

    You must to add only the libraries you don't have included yet;

  4. The the css file minamlist_cms/minimalist_cms to have access to the editor. Include them when the use is an admin;


You can create a page which your favorite administration tool.

This is an example :

  1. Run rails console;
  2. Execute Page.create(title: 'welcome', body: 'this is a welcome page');

Now, you can go to this address : localhost:3000/welcome To edit the page, include the css and javascript file a mark in the installation section. You should have a toolbar which hillight the editable section. When you click on a section, an editor appear. Modify the text like you want;

If you whant to mark a page as the home page you can do execte page.update_attribute('home', true). Your page should be accessible at this address http://localhost:3000/.

You can mark a page as a draft. To hide the page, you must to change your code.

Customize the model

You can override the page model with rails generate model Page. You must to add the line acts_as_page in you new model.

Customize the view

To customize the view you can override the file app/views/pages/show.html.erb. To have the editable zone you must to add this line <%= editable @page { @page.body } %>. Add a page in an existing page

You can add your page anywhere you want.

Add something like this in you controller :

class WelcomeController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @page = Page.where(home: true).first

Now, you can edit the file app/views/welcome/index.html and add this :

<%= editable @page { @page.body } %>

Tool suggested

With this gem, you can use ActiveAdmin and activeadmin-globalize3. You can also use cancan. Your free to use anything you want.