minnie-ldap is an authentication strategy for the minnie gem.
Add minnie-ldap to your Gemfile
gem 'minnie-ldap'
Now follow the instructions for the minnie gem to run the generator. Here's a hint:
bundle exec rails generate minnie:install
Now get rid of the generated lines in the user model so that your model looks like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include Minnie::User::Ldap
You'll also need to add a username to the migration. Try this on the command line:
bundle exec rails g migration AddUsernameToUsers username:string
You're all done! Now try to sign in to your app at /signin. Make sure you use a valid LDAP user.
There isn't much code here so try resolving issues on your own. If you get some issues fixed, send me a pull request!
If you're not making any headway, just create an issue and I'll try to look at it.