$ bundle install
require 'miq_utilities'
- bundler ~> 1.16
- rake ~> 10.0
- rbvmomi ~> 1.11.3
- tiny_tds ~> 2.1.0
- winrm ~> 2.2.3
- slack-notifier ~> 2.3.2
- rest-client ~> 1.8.0 x64-mingw32
- json ~> 2.0.4
Class Summary
Sql Server (SqlClass)
Used to manage Sql Server queries. This Class utilises the tiny_tds
Ruby Gem (version => 2.1.0).
Class Method Summary
Create a connection to the client
Name | Type | Description
user ¦ String ¦ Username
password ¦ String ¦ Password
host ¦ String ¦ The host name to connect to
port ¦ String ¦ The port to use (default 1433)
database ¦ String ¦ The database name to connect to
azure ¦ Boolean ¦ Set to true when connecting to Azure
Method usage
require 'miq_utilities'
sql = SqlClass.new(user, pwrd, host, 1433, db, azure)
Returns the client to utilise the tiny_tds
Method usage
client = sql.get_client()
Runs the specified SQL query against the client the class was instantiated for.
Name | Type | Description
sql ¦ String ¦ Sql Query to be run
Method usage
query = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_users'
out = sql.run_sql_query(query)
out.each {|user| puts "User Details: #{user}"}
closes the connection to the client.
Method usage
Logging (LoggingClass)
This Class is used to handle the logging for ManageIQ and an IDE.
Class Method Summary
Instantiate the class using the name of the class/method/instantiator.
Name | Type | Description
name ¦ String ¦ The name of the class/method/instantiator
Method usage
require 'miq_utilities'
logger = LoggingClass.new('example_method_name')
Log to the $evm
object i.e. automation.log.
Name | Type | Description
level ¦ String ¦ The level of info/warning/error
message ¦ String ¦ The message to write
logtoscreenonly ¦ Boolean ¦ Only log to screen
notify ¦ Boolean ¦ Process message through the notify process
Method usage
logger.log('info','This is a test message!')
or to process through the Notify class we would use the follwoing:
logger.log('warn', 'This is a warning message', false, true)
NOTE: When "NOTE" is passed as the level, the notify class turns this into an INFO on-screen message.
VmWare (VmwareClass)
This Class is used to handle some of the heavily used VMWare utilities. This Class utilises the rbvmomi
Ruby Gem (version => 1.11.3).
Class Method Summary
Assign the host name.
Name | Type | Description
hostName ¦ String ¦ The name of the host to be used
Method usage
vmware = VmwareClass.new('MyHostName')
Returns the client connection.
Name | Type | Description
user ¦ String ¦ The name of the host to be used
password ¦ String ¦ The users password
Method usage
vsphereconn = vmware.get_vsphere_connection(user,pwd)
Returns the datacentre based on the connection and datacentre name.
Name | Type | Description
vsphereconn ¦ object ¦ The return of "get_vsphere_connection"
dcname ¦ String ¦ The name of the datacentre
Method usage
vmdc = vmware.retrieve_data_centre(vsphereconn,'MyDatacentre')
Run Powershell (WinrmClass)
This Class is used to run PowerShell scripts. This Class utilises the winrm
Ruby Gem (version => 2.2.3).
Class Method Summary
Run a specified PowerShell script.
Name | Type | Description
ps_script ¦ String ¦ The script to run
host ¦ String ¦ The name of the host to connect to
user ¦ String ¦ The user to connect with
password ¦ String ¦ The users password
Method usage
Name = 'Aaron'
ps1 = "C:\\Powershell\\RunHelloWorld.ps1 -name #{Name}"
Notification (NotificationClass)
This Class is used to notify users and log messages accordingly. This Class utilises the slack-notifier Ruby Gem (version => 2.3.2).
Class Method Summary
Initiate the process.
Name | Type | Description
event_level ¦ String ¦ info, warn, error
event_message ¦ String ¦ The message to be used
email_to ¦ String ¦ Who to send an email to
email_from ¦ String ¦ Sent from which email address
signature ¦ String ¦ Who the emails from
webhookURL ¦ String ¦ The webhook to be used
Method usage
require 'miq_utilities'
logger = LoggingClass.new('Test NotificationCLass')
logger.log('error', 'An error occured!', false, true)
Levels (event_level)
Level | Action
INFO | Logs to the $evm log
WARN | Logs to the $evm log, sends an Email and a Slack message
ERROR | Logs to the $evm log, sends an Email, a Slack message and an on-screen notification
NOTE | Sends an on-screen notification (As an info message)
Sends an email to the specified user using the $evm.execute MIQ method
Name | Type | Description
message ¦ String ¦ The message to be used
subject ¦ String ¦ The Subject to be used
to_email ¦ String ¦ Recipient email
from_email ¦ String ¦ Sender email
signature ¦ String ¦ Who the emails from
Method usage
require 'miq_utilities'
notify = NotificationCLass.new
notify.send_email('This is an Email.', 'Test', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'DevOps')
Sends a Slcak message
Name | Type | Description
message ¦ String ¦ The message to be used
webhookURL ¦ String ¦ The webhook to be used
Method usage
require 'miq_utilities'
notify = NotificationCLass.new
notify.send_slack_message('This a Slack post!', 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/token')
on_screen_message - Sends an on-screen notification
Name | Type | Description
level ¦ String v info, warn, error
message ¦ String ¦ The message to be used
subject ¦ String ¦ The Subject to be used
Method usage
require 'miq_utilities'
notify = NotificationCLass.new
notify.on_screen_message('info', 'This is an on-screen notification', 'Test')