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Moip payment service integration library.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'moiper'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install moiper


First, you need to set up your credentials:

Moiper.configure do |config|

By default, you will make requests to the Moip's production API. You can enable the sandbox environment by setting the sandbox configuration:

Moiper.configure do |config|
  config.sandbox = true

Then, you can request a new payment authorization:

payment =
  :description      => "A chair",
  :price            => 1.99,
  :id               => "some unique id",
  :return_url       => "",
  :notification_url => ""

response = payment.checkout

if response.success?
  redirect_to response.checkout_url
  render :text => response.errors.to_sentence

You need to redirect your user to the url returned by response.checkout_url. After the user accepts or rejects your payment request, he will be redirected to the return_url you specified on the payment. In case of possible errors during the payment request phase, you can access then through the response.errors method.


Moip will notify your application about order updates through NASP. Moiper provides a Rails controller helper so you can easily intercept these notifications with the moip_notification method.

class OrdersController < ApplicationController
  include Moiper::NotificationControllerHelper

  def confirm
    moip_notification do |notification|
      # Here you can update your database with updated information.
      # Ex:
      @order = Order.find_by_unique_identifier(
      @order.update_attribute :status, notification.payment_status

      # Moip will recognize the request as successfully if the statuses
      # are 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 or 207.
      head 200

If you are not using Rails, you can manually instantiate a Moiper::Notification class by passing the POST parameters received from Moip's request.

post "/moip/callback" do
  notification =

Payment Status

Following are the possible payment statuses returned by the Moip::Notification#payment_status.

  • authorized
  • started
  • payment_form_printed
  • finished
  • canceled
  • under_analysis
  • returned
  • reimbursed

Payment Methods

Following are the possible financial institutions returned by the Moip::Notification#payment_method.

  • payment_form
  • credit_card
  • debit
  • debit_card
  • financing
  • moip_account

Financial Institution

Following are the possible financial institutions returned by the Moip::Notification#financial_institution.

  • MoIP
  • Visa
  • AmericanExpress
  • Mastercard
  • Diners
  • BancoDoBrasil
  • Bradesco
  • Itau
  • Hipercard
  • Paggo
  • Banrisul


This gem is being developed in a workshop-like manner, during the trainee training program at Tagview, so the students can understand concepts such as open source development, TDD, API integration and documentation.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request