Monban 門番

Monban is designed to be very simple and extensible user authentication. It's goal is to give all the power to the developer instead of forcing them to make Monban work with their system

Why use Monban?

Monban makes authentication simple:

  • Uses warden
  • Provides convenient controller helpers
  • TODO: Very customizable
  • TODO: provides a generator for default controllers and views

Monban doesn't do the following:

  • Doesn't automatically add routes to your application
  • Doesn't force you to use engine based controllers or views
  • Doesn't require you to make changes to your user model


Monban was designed to work with Rails > 3.1. Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'monban'

Then inside of your ApplicationController add the following:

include Monban::ControllerHelpers


Monban does currently have some expectations, but these will change. Here are the current requirements:

  • Your model must be called User
  • You must have an email and password_digest column on your User
  • Passwords will be run through BCrypt

Controller Additions

Monban provides the following controller methods:

  • sign_in(user)
  • sign_out
  • sign_up(user)
  • authenticate_session(session_params)
  • authenticate(user, password)

These helpers:

  • current_user
  • signed_in?

And this filter:

  • require_login


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request