Moneta: A unified interface for key/value stores

Gem Version Build Status Dependency Status Code Climate

Moneta provides a standard interface for interacting with various kinds of key/value stores. A short overview of the features:

  • Supports a lot of backends (See below)
  • Allows a full configuration of the serialization -> compression -> adapter stack using proxies (Similar to Rack middlewares)
    • Configurable serialization via Moneta::Transformer proxy (Marshal/JSON/YAML and many more)
    • Configurable value compression via Moneta::Transformer proxy (Zlib, Snappy, LZMA, ...)
    • Configurable key transformation via Moneta::Transformer proxy
  • Expiration for all stores (Added via proxy Moneta::Expires if not supported natively)
  • Atomic incrementation and decrementation for most stores (Method #increment and #decrement)
  • Includes a very simple key/value server (Moneta::Server) and client (Moneta::Adapters::Client)
  • Integration with Rails, Rack, Sinatra and Rack-Cache

If you are not yet convinced, you might ask why? What are the goals of the project?

  • Get people started quickly with key/value stores! Therefore all the adapters are included in the gem and you are ready to go. Tilt does the same for template languages.
  • Make it easy to compare different key/value stores and benchmark them
  • To hide a lot of different and maybe complex APIs behind one well-designed and simple Moneta API
  • Give people a starting point or example code to start working with their favourite key/value store. Feel free to copy code, please mention Moneta then :)
  • Create a reusable piece of code, since similar things are solved over and over again (Rails
  • See also

Moneta is tested thoroughly using Travis-CI.

Supported backends

Out of the box, it supports the following backends:

  • Memory:
    • In-memory store (:Memory)
    • LRU hash - prefer this over :Memory! (:LRUHash)
    • LocalMemCache (:LocalMemCache)
    • Memcached store (:Memcached, :MemcachedNative and :MemcachedDalli)
  • Relational Databases:
  • Filesystem:
    • PStore (:PStore)
    • YAML store (:YAML)
    • Filesystem directory store (:File)
    • Filesystem directory store which spreads files in subdirectories using md5 hash (:HashFile)
  • Key/value databases:
  • Document databases:
  • Moneta network protocols:
    • Moneta key/value client (:Client works with Moneta::Server)
    • Moneta HTTP/REST client (:RestClient works with Rack::MonetaRest)
  • Other
    • Fog cloud storage which supports Amazon S3, Rackspace, etc. (:Fog)
    • Storage which doesn't store anything (:Null)

Some of the backends are not exactly based on key/value stores, e.g. the relational ones. These are useful if you already use the corresponding backend in your application. You get a key/value store for free then without installing any additional services and you still have the possibility to upgrade to a real key/value store.

Backend feature matrix

AdapterRequired gemsMulti-thread safe[1]Multi-process safe[2]Atomic incrementNative expires[3]PersistentDescription
ActiveRecordactiverecordActiveRecord ORM
Cassandracassandra?Cassandra distributed database
Client-?[5]?[5]?[5]Moneta client adapter
Cookie-(✓)[6]Cookie in memory store
Couchcouchrest?CouchDB database
DataMapperdm-core, dm-migrationsDataMapper ORM
Daybreakdaybreak(✓)[7]Incredibly fast pure-ruby key/value store Daybreak
DBM-Berkeley DB
File-File store
Fogfog?Fog cloud store
GDBM-GDBM database
HBasehbase?HBase database
LevelDBleveldbLevelDB database
LocalMemCachelocalmemcacheLocalMemCache database
LRUHash-(✓)[6]LRU memory store
Memcacheddalli or memcached?[4]Memcached database
MemcachedDallidalli[4]Memcached database with Dalli library
MemcachedNativememcached[4]Memcached database with native library
Memory-(✓)[6]Memory store
MongomongoMongoDB database
Null-No database
PStore-PStore store
RedisredisRedis database
RestClient-?[5]Moneta REST client adapter
Riakriak-clientRiak database
SDBM-SDBM database
SequelsequelSequel ORM
Sqlitesqlite3?Sqlite3 database
TDBtdbTDB database
TokyoCabinettokoycabinetTokyoCabinet database
  • [1]: Make adapters thread-safe by using Moneta::Lock or by passing the option :threadsafe => true to Moneta#new. There is also Moneta::Pool which can be used to share a store between multiple threads if the store is multi-process safe. I recommend to add the option :threadsafe to ensure thread-safety since for example under JRuby and Rubinius even the basic datastructures are not thread safe due to the lack of a global interpreter lock (GIL). This differs from MRI where some adapters might appear thread safe already but only due to the GIL.
  • [2]: Share a Moneta store between multiple processes using Moneta::Shared (See below).
  • [3]: Add expiration support by using Moneta::Expires or by passing the option :expires => true to Moneta#new.
  • [4]: There are some servers which use the memcached protocol but which are persistent (e.g. MemcacheDB, Kai, IronCache, ...)
  • [5]: Depends on server
  • [6]: Store is multi-process safe because it is an in-memory store, values are not shared between multiple processes
  • [7]: Store is multi-process safe, but not synchronized automatically between multiple processes


In addition it supports proxies (Similar to Rack middlewares) which add additional features to storage backends:

  • Moneta::Proxy and Moneta::Wrapper proxy base classes
  • Moneta::Expires to add expiration support to stores which don't support it natively. Add it in the builder using use :Expires.
  • Moneta::Stack to stack multiple stores (Read returns result from first where the key is found, writes go to all stores). Add it in the builder using use(:Stack) {}.
  • Moneta::Transformer transforms keys and values (Marshal, YAML, JSON, Base64, MD5, ...). Add it in the builder using use :Transformer.
  • Moneta::Cache combine two stores, one as backend and one as cache (e.g. Moneta::Adapters::File + Moneta::Adapters::Memory). Add it in the builder using use(:Cache) {}.
  • Moneta::Lock to make store thread safe. Add it in the builder using use :Lock.
  • Moneta::Pool to create a pool of stores as a means of making the store thread safe. Add it in the builder using use(:Pool) {}.
  • Moneta::Logger to log database accesses. Add it in the builder using use :Logger.
  • Moneta::Shared to share a store between multiple processes. Add it in the builder using use(:Shared) {}.

Serializers and compressors (Moneta::Transformer)

Supported serializers:

  • BEncode (:bencode)
  • BERT (:bert)
  • BSON (:bson)
  • JSON (:json)
  • Marshal (:marshal)
  • MessagePack (:msgpack)
  • Ox (:ox)
  • TNetStrings (:tnet)
  • YAML (:yaml)

Supported value compressors:

  • LZMA (:lzma)
  • LZO (:lzo)
  • Snappy (:snappy)
  • QuickLZ (:quicklz)
  • Zlib (:zlib)

Special transformers:

  • Digests (MD5, Shas, ...)
  • Add prefix to keys (:prefix)
  • HMAC to verify values (:hmac, useful for Rack::MonetaCookies)

Moneta API

The Moneta API is purposely extremely similar to the Hash API with a few minor additions. There are the additional methods #load, #increment, #decrement and #close. Every method takes also a optional option hash. In order so support an identical API across stores, Moneta does not support iteration or partial matches.

#initialize(options)                      options differs per-store, and is used to set up the store.

#[](key)                                  retrieve a key. If the key is not available, return nil.

#load(key, options = {})                  retrieve a key. If the key is not available, return nil.

#fetch(key, options = {}, &block)         retrieve a key. If the key is not available, execute the
                                          block and return its return value.

#fetch(key, value, options = {})          retrieve a key. If the key is not available, return the value,

#[]=(key, value)                          set a value for a key. If the key is already used, clobber it.
                                          keys set using []= will never expire.

#store(key, value, options = {})          same as []=, but you can supply options.

#delete(key, options = {})                delete the key from the store and return the current value.

#key?(key, options = {})                  true if the key exists, false if it does not.

#increment(key, amount = 1, options = {}) increment numeric value. This is a atomic operation
                                          which is not supported by all stores. Returns current value.

#decrement(key, amount = 1, options = {}) increment numeric value. This is a atomic operation
                                          which is not supported by all stores. Returns current value.
                                          This is just syntactic sugar for incrementing with a negative value.

#clear(options = {})                      clear all keys in this store.

#close                                    close database connection.

Creating a Store

There is a simple interface to create a store using

store =, :server => 'localhost:11211')

If you want to have control over the proxies, you have to use

store = do
  # Adds expires proxy
  use :Expires
  # Transform key using Marshal and Base64 and value using Marshal
  use :Transformer, :key => [:marshal, :base64], :value => :marshal
  # Memory backend
  adapter :Memory


The Cassandra, Memcached, Redis and Mongo backends support expiration natively.

cache =

# Or using the builder...
cache = do
  adapter :Memcached

# Expires in 60 seconds, value, :expires => 60)

# Never expire, value, :expires => 0), value, :expires => false)

# Update expires time if value is found
cache.load(key, :expires => 30)
cache.key?(key, :expires => 30)

# Or remove the expiration if found
cache.load(key, :expires => false)
cache.key?(key, :expires => 0)

You can add the expires feature to other backends using the Moneta::Expires proxy. But be aware that expired values are not deleted automatically if they are not looked up.

# Using the :expires option
cache =, :dir => '...', :expires => true)

# or manually by using the proxy...
cache = => '...'))

# or using the builder...
cache = do
  use :Expires
  adapter :File, :dir => '...'

Incrementation and raw access

The stores support the #increment which allows atomic increments of unsigned integer values. If you increment a non existing value, it will be created. If you increment a non integer value an exception will be raised.

store.increment('counter')     # returns 1, counter created
store.increment('counter')     # returns 2
store.increment('counter', -1) # returns 1
store.increment('counter', 13) # returns 14
store.increment('counter', 0)  # returns 14
store.decrement('counter')     # returns 13
store['name'] = 'Moneta'
store.increment('name')        # raises an Exception

If you want to access the counter value you have to use raw access to the datastore. This is only important if you have a Moneta::Transformer somewhere in your proxy stack which transforms the values e.g. with Marshal.

store.increment('counter')          # returns 1, counter created
store.load('counter', :raw => true) # returns 1'counter', '10', :raw => true)
store.increment('counter') # returns 11

Fortunately there is a nicer way to do this using some syntactic sugar!

store.increment('counter') # returns 1, counter created
store.raw['counter']       # returns 1
store.raw.load('counter')  # returns 1

store.raw['counter'] = '10'
store.increment('counter') # returns 11

You can also keep the raw store in a variable and use it like this:

counters = store.raw

counters.increment('counter') # returns 1, counter created
counters['counter']           # returns 1
counters.load('counter')      # returns 1

counters['counter'] = '10'
counters.increment('counter') # returns 11

Syntactic sugar and option merger

For raw data access as described before the class Moneta::OptionMerger is used. It works like this:

# All methods after 'with' get the options passed
store.with(:raw => true).load('key')

# You can also specify the methods
store.with(:raw => true, :only => :load).load('key')
store.with(:raw => true, :except => [:key?, :increment]).load('key')

# Syntactic sugar for raw access

# Access substore where all keys get a prefix
substore = store.prefix('sub')
substore['key'] = 'value'
store['key']    # returns nil
store['subkey'] # returns 'value'

# Set expiration time for all keys
short_lived_store = store.expires(60)
short_lived_store['key'] = 'value'

Add proxies to existing store

You can add proxies to an existing store. This is useful if you want to compress only a few values for example.

compressed_store = store.with(:prefix => 'compressed') do
  use :Transformer, :value => :zlib

store['key'] = 'this value will not be compressed'
compressed_store['key'] = 'value will be compressed'

Framework Integration

Inspired by redis-store there exist integration classes for Rails, Rack and Rack-Cache. You can also use all the Rack middlewares together with Rails and the Sinatra framework. There exist the following integration classes:

  • Rack, Rails and Sinatra
    • Rack::Session::Moneta is a Rack middleware to use Moneta for storing sessions
    • Rack::MonetaStore is a Rack middleware which places a Moneta store in the environment and enables per-request caching
    • Rack::MonetaCookies is a Rack middleware which uses Moneta to store cookies
    • Rack::MonetaRest is a Rack application which exposes a Moneta store via REST/HTTP
    • Rack::Cache::Moneta provides meta and entity stores for Rack-Cache
  • Rails
    • ActionDispatch::Session::MonetaStore is a Rails middleware to use Moneta for storing sessions
    • ActiveSupport::Cache::MonetaStore is a Rails cache implementation which uses a Moneta store as backend


Session store

You can use Moneta as a Rack session store. Use it in your like this:

require 'rack/session/moneta'

# Use only the adapter name
use Rack::Session::Moneta, :store => :Redis

# Use
use Rack::Session::Moneta, :store =>, :expires => true)

# Use the Moneta builder
use Rack::Session::Moneta do
  use :Expires
  adapter :Memory

Moneta middleware

There is a simple middleware which places a Moneta store in the Rack environment at env['rack.moneta_store']. It supports per-request caching if you add the option :cache => true. Use it in your like this:

# Add Rack::MonetaStore somewhere in your rack stack
use Rack::MonetaStore, :Memory, :cache => true

run lambda do |env|
  env['rack.moneta_store'] # is a Moneta store with per-request caching

# Pass it a block like the one passed to
use Rack::MonetaStore do
  use :Transformer, :value => :zlib
  adapter :Cookie

run lambda do |env|
  env['rack.moneta_store'] # is a Moneta store without caching

REST server

If you want to expose your Moneta key/value store via HTTP, you can use the Rack/Moneta REST service. Use it in your like this:

require 'rack/moneta_rest'

map '/moneta' do

# Or pass it a block like the one passed to
run do
  use :Transformer, :value => :zlib
  adapter :Memory


You can use Moneta as a Rack-Cache store. Use it in your like this:

require 'rack/cache/moneta'

use Rack::Cache,
      :metastore   => 'moneta://Memory?expires=true',
      :entitystore => 'moneta://Memory?expires=true'

# Or used named Moneta stores
Rack::Cache::Moneta['named_metastore'] = do
  use :Expires
  adapter :Memory
use Rack::Cache,
      :metastore => 'moneta://named_metastore',
      :entity_store => 'moneta://named_entitystore'


Use Moneta to store cookies in Rack. It uses the Moneta::Adapters::Cookie. You might wonder what the purpose of this store or Rack middleware is: It makes it possible to use all the transformers on the cookies (e.g. :prefix, :marshal and :hmac for value verification).

require 'rack/moneta_cookies'

use Rack::MonetaCookies, :domain => '', :path => '/path'
run lambda do |env|
  req =
  req.cookies #=> is now a Moneta store!
  env['rack.request.cookie_hash'] #=> is now a Moneta store!
  req.cookies['key'] #=> retrieves 'key'
  req.cookies['key'] = 'value' #=> sets 'key'
  req.cookies.delete('key') #=> removes 'key'
  [200, {}, []]


Session store

Add the session store in your application configuration config/environments/*.rb.

require 'moneta'

# Only by adapter name
config.cache_store :moneta_store, :store => :Memory

# Use
config.cache_store :moneta_store, :store =>

# Use the Moneta builder
config.cache_store :moneta_store, :store => do
  use :Expires
  adapter :Memory

Cache store

Add the cache store in your application configuration config/environments/*.rb. Unfortunately the Moneta cache store doesn't support matchers. If you need these features use a different server-specific implementation.

require 'moneta'

# Only by adapter name
config.cache_store :moneta_store, :store => :Memory

# Use
config.cache_store :moneta_store, :store =>

# Use the Moneta builder
config.cache_store :moneta_store, :store => do
  use :Expires
  adapter :Memory


Build your own key value server

You can use Moneta to build your own key/value server which is shared between multiple processes. If you run the following code in two different processes, they will share the same data which will also be persistet in the database shared.db.

require 'moneta'

store = do
  use :Transformer, :key => :marshal, :value => :marshal
  use :Shared do
    use :Cache do
      cache do
        adapter :LRUHash
      backend do
        adapter :GDBM, :file => 'shared.db'

If you want to go further, you might want to take a look at Moneta::Server and Moneta::Adapters::Client which are used by Moneta::Shared and provide the networking communication. But be aware that they are experimental and subjected to change. They provide an acceptable performance (for being ruby only), but don't have a stable protocol yet.

You might wonder why I didn't use DRb to implement server and client - in fact my first versions used it, but with much worse performance and it was real fun to implement the networking directly :) There is still much room for improvement and experiments, try EventMachine, try Kgio, ...

ToyStore ORM

If you want something more advanced to handle your objects and relations, use John Nunemaker's ToyStore which works together with Moneta. Assuming that Person is a ToyStore::Object you can add persistence using Moneta as follows:

# Use the Moneta Redis backend
Person.adapter :memory,

Testing and Benchmarks

Testing is done using Travis-CI. Currently we support Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3.

Benchmarks for each store are done on Travis-CI for each build. Take a look there to compare the speed of the different key value stores for different key/value sizes and size distributions. Feel free to add your own configurations! The impact of Moneta should be minimal since it is only a thin layer on top of the different stores.


  • Horcrux: Used at github, supports batch operations but only Memcached backend
  • ActiveSupport::Cache::Store: The Rails cache store abstraction
  • ToyStore: ORM mapper for key/value stores
  • ToyStore Adapter: Adapter to key/value stores used by ToyStore, Moneta can be used directly with the ToyStore Memory adapter
