
Ruby Module for ease of use with mongoid based models

with this module, you can do:

  • recursive methods by calling [:_find,:_find_by,:_where,:_all] on the model (even on deeply embedded ones)
  • check connection relation between two model
  • get :parents, :references or :documents

Examples for use

recursive find If the model path is not clear by default the shortest way will be chosen, You can modify this behavior by adding model names to the args, before or after the query hash for example: TestD._where( TestA, TestB, TestC, test: "world" ).inspect

The return object will be array if the target model is not a main one but an embedded

    require 'mongoid-dsl'
    require_relative "helper/con"

    #> nil

    class TestA

      include Mongoid::Document
      include Mongoid::Timestamps

      store_in :collection => self.mongoid_name

      embeds_many :TestB.mongoid_name

      field :test,
            :type     => String,
            :presence => true,
            :desc     => "description for this field",
            :accept_only  => %W[ hello world hello\ world ]


    #> "test_a"

    class TestB

      include Mongoid::Document
      include Mongoid::Timestamps

      embedded_in :TestA.mongoid_name
      embeds_many :TestC.mongoid_name

      field :test,
            :type         => String,
            :presence     => true,
            :desc         => "description for this field",
            :uniq         => true


    class TestC

      include Mongoid::Document
      include Mongoid::Timestamps

      embedded_in :TestB.mongoid_name
      embeds_many :TestD.mongoid_name

      field :test,
            :type         => String,
            :presence     => true,
            :desc         => "description for this field"


    class TestD

      include Mongoid::Document
      include Mongoid::Timestamps

      embedded_in :TestC.mongoid_name

      field :test,
            :type         => String,
            :presence     => true,
            :desc         => "description for this field"


    test_a= TestA.create! test: "hello"
    test_a.test_b.create(test: "world")
    test_b= test_a.test_b.last
    test_b.test_c.create(test: "world")
    test_c= test_b.test_c.last
    test_c.test_d.create(test: "world")
    test_d= test_c.test_d.last

    # puts TestD._find(test_d['_id']).inspect
    #<TestD _id: 536a10f6241548c811000004, created_at: 2014-05-07 10:54:46 UTC, updated_at: 2014-05-07 10:54:46 UTC, test: "world">

    puts TestD._all.inspect
    #> return every embedded TestD obj

    puts TestD._where( test: "world" ).inspect
    #> return by criteria the embedded TestD objects


you can find working examples in the example folder