El Morfo

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This gem acts like a universal converter from hashes into other hashes. You just define where your hash should get its data from and morfo will do the rest for you.


This gem is currently only tested on Ruby 2.0 (including 2.0 mode of JRuby and RBX).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'morfo'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install morfo


In order to morf the hashes you have to provide a class that extends Morf::Base

Use the field method to specify what fields exist and where they will get their data from:

Simple Mapping

The most basic form is copying the value from another field.

class Title < Morfo::Base

Afterwards use the morf method to morf all hashes in one array to the end result:

          {title: 'The Walking Dead'} ,
          {title: 'Breaking Bad'},

# [
#   {tv_show_title: 'The Walking Dead'},
#   {tv_show_title: 'Breaking Bad'},
# ]

If you want to have access to nested values, just provide the path to that field comma separated.

class Name < Morfo::Base
  field(:first_name).from(:name, :first)
  field(:last_name).from(:name, :last)

        name: {
          first: 'Clark',
          last: 'Kent',
        name: {
          first: 'Bruce',
          last: 'Wayne',

# [
#     {first_name: 'Clark',last_name: 'Kent'},
#     {first_name: 'Bruce',last_name: 'Wayne'},
# ]


It's also possible to transform the value in any way ruby lets you transform a value. just provide a block in the transformed method.

class AndZombies < Morfo::Base
  field(:title).from(title).transformed {|title| "#{title} and Zombies"}

      {title: 'Pride and Prejudice'},
      {title: 'Fifty Shades of Grey'},

# [
#     {title: 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies'},
#     {title: 'Fifty Shades of Grey and Zombies'},
# ]


If the value of your field should be based on multiple fields of the input row, yoy can specify a calculation block via the calculated method. As an argument the whole input row is passed in.

class NameConcatenator < Morfo::Base
  field(:name).calculated {|row| "#{row[:first_name]} #{row[:last_name]}"}
  field(:status).calculated {'Best Friend'}

      {first_name: 'Robin', last_name: 'Hood'},
      {first_name: 'Sherlock', last_name: 'Holmes'},

# [
#   {:name=>"Robin Hood", :status=>"Best Friend"},
#   {:name=>"Sherlock Holmes", :status=>'Best Friend'}
# ]


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request