
Timecard solution for a day's work information


the default environment is ruby 1.9.3 Opens your teminal and input: gem install mtm


  • Opens your teminal and input: mtm -p 'Project name' -c 'Change name' -t 8 -e 'Tested some pages' -u bruce.yue:password
  • The default hours is 8 and default description is "Tested some pages and fixed some bugs."
  • If step 2 have been done, '-u' is not required in the step 3. For example:

    • Project "CM Peak Development Requests", Its change is "Automate Upload of Build Records" mtm -p 'Peak Development' -c 'Build Records' -t 6 -e 'Added exception process logic.'
  • If there is no change. just paste

mtm -p 'Peak Development' -t 6 -e 'Added exception process logic.'

  • Fill your time card at some time. at 9pm today mtm -p 'Peak Development' -t 6 -e 'Added exception process logic.'


  1. run gem environment Find the GEM PATHS
  2. go to 'GEM PATHS'/gems/mtm-2.0.4/lib/mtm'
  3. config open config.rb config field SF_USERNAME = '' # Salesforce user name SF_PASSWORD = '' # Salesforce password SF_SECURITY_TOKEN = '' # Salesforce password security token(option) MOBILE_NUMBER = '' # 18988888888 you need to send the mobile to me and verify it.
  4. mtm -h for details