Muffler Build Status

Flexible log suppression for Ruby. Compatible with:

  • Rails 3.x
  • Rack
  • Ruby 1.9.x


Just add it to your Gemfile:

ruby gem 'muffler'



Works as drop-in replacement for Rails::Rack::Logger. Gemfile require is all that’s needed.


Drop-in replacements are provided for Rack::CommonLogger and Rack::Logger. Just add them to your middleware stack.

```ruby use Muffler::Rack::CommonLogger use Muffler::Rack::Logger

run MyApp ```


If not using Rack or Rails you can still muffle log output by manually calling the muffle method:

```ruby logger =‘app.log’)

Muffler.muffle(logger) do # your custom code here end ```

You can still take advantage of conditional muffling as well:

```ruby logger =‘app.log’)

if Muffler.muffle?(‘REMOTE_ADDR’ => ‘’) Muffler.muffle(logger) do # muffled code here end else # unmuffled code end ```

By default, Muffler muffles log output based on the request environment. It does comparisons against REMOTE_ADDR, PATH_INFO, and a custom header you can configure. The default header looked for is: HTTP_X_MUFFLE_LOGGER.

Note that when sending the abover header in the request it should be named X-Muffle-Logger or X-MUFFLE-LOGGER.

You can configure which IP addresses, request paths, and headers to look for:

ruby Muffler.configure do |config| config.ips += ['', ''] config.paths << %r{/assets} config.header = 'HTTP_X_MY_CUSTOM_HEADER' end

You can also add your own “mufflers” or replace the defaults. Custom mufflers just need to return true (muffle log output) or false (don’t muffle log output).

If still using Rack or Rails, you could add a params muffler:

ruby Muffler.configure do |config| config.muffle_with :params do |env| request = request.params['muffle'].to_i == 1 end end

Of if just working with Ruby you could clear the default filters and add your own:

ruby Muffler.configure do |config| config.mufflers.clear # clear default mufflers config.muffle_with :random do |opts| [true, false].sample end end

The default mufflers are:

  • :header
  • :ip
  • :path


Pull requests are welcome. Just make sure to include tests!

To run tests, install some dependencies:

bash bundle install

Then, run tests with:

bash rake test

Or, If you want to check coverage:

bash COVERAGE=true rake test


Please use GitHub’s issue tracker.


Jeremy Israelsen