This is not yet finished! The below usage information is how the initial release will work. Current v1 release only respects the apps=code: directive, sets up code, rails, and resque foreach, and assumes your development directory is ~/dev


thor install <gem-home>/muxilla/lib/muxilla/muxinate.rb



thor muxinate:configure
  • Prompts for your development directory (i.e. ~/dev)

  • Configuration is stored in ~/.muxilla.conf

  • Removing this file will require re-running the configure task


thor muxinate:feature myfeaturename [--id 123] --apps=key:value [--with-spork]
  • Will generate a myfeaturename.tmux (v1 always names this file tmux_config.tmux) configuration file

  • Will checkout first branch that matches id (if provided) or featurename

Bug: (see Feature)

thor muxinate:bug mybugname

Chore: (see Feature)

thor muxinate:chore mychorename

–apps Options

  • Assumes app code is located at <development-directory>/app_name


  • Creates a window for each app and opens vi


  • Creates one server window, opening each app in a new pane


  • Assumes a resque.sh script exists in Rails.root/script

  • Creates one resque window, booting one worker for each app in a new pane

Future Plans

  • Rails should imply code (declaring a rails app should boot the server and open code in vi)