MySQL Manager

MySQL Manager is a utility to perform routine tasks on a MySQL database.

  • Continuously execute SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER = 1 and START SLAVE statements until replication is caught up (leaves slave in inconsistent state with master)
  • Reload my.cnf without restarting MySQL (limited to dynamic variables)
  • Kill queries that match a set of criteria (execution time, user, db, state, command, host, query) using PCRE regexes or literal strings.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'mysql_manager'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mysql_manager


Usage: mysql-manager options
        --kill                       Kill queries based on specified criteria
        --kill:max-query-time TIME   Kill queries that have been running for more than TIME
        --kill:user USER             Kill queries matching USER (repeatable)
        --kill:host HOST             Kill queries matching HOST (repeatable)
        --kill:query SQL             Kill queries matching SQL (repeatable)
        --kill:command COMMAND       Kill queries matching COMMAND (repeatable)
        --kill:state STATE           Kill queries matching STATE (repeatable)
        --kill:db DB                 Kill queries matching DB (repeatable)
        --skip-replication-errors    Skip replication errors based on specified criteria
        --skip-replication-errors:max-error-duration SECONDS
                                     Abort after attempting to recover after SECONDS elapsed (default: )
        --skip-replication-errors:min-healthy-duration SECONDS
                                     Abort after replication healthy for SECONDS elapsed (default: -1)
        --skip-replication-errors:max-errors SECONDS
                                     Output replication status events every SECONDS elapsed (default: 10)
        --reload-my-cnf              Reload my.cnf based on specified criteria
        --reload-my-cnf:config FILE  Issue set 'SET GLOBAL' for each variable in FILE (default: /etc/my.cnf)
        --reload-my-cnf:groups GROUP Issue set 'SET GLOBAL' for each variable in FILE (default: mysqld, mysqld_safe, mysql.server, mysql_server, server, mysql)
        --db:dsn DSN                 DSN to connect to MySQL database (default: DBI:Mysql:mysql:localhost)
        --db:username USERNAME       Username corresponding to DSN (default: root)
        --db:password PASSWORD       Password corresponding to DSN (default: )
        --log:level LEVEL            Logging level
        --log:file FILE              Write logs to FILE (default: STDERR)
        --log:age DAYS               Rotate logs after DAYS pass (default: 7)
        --log:size SIZE              Rotate logs after the grow past SIZE bytes
        --dry-run                    Do not run statements which affect the state of the database when executed
    -V, --version                    Display version information
    -h, --help                       Display this screen


Kill all queries by user “api” that have been running longer than 30 seconds:

mysql-manager --kill --kill:user api --kill:max-query-time 30 --log:level DEBUG --dry-run

Recover a MySQL Slave that has failed replication and wait for it to remain healthy (fully caught up to master) for 60 seconds.

mysql-manager --skip-replication-errors --skip-replication-errors:min-healthy-duration 60 --log:level DEBUG

Reload /etc/my.cnf without restarting MySQL:

mysql-manager --reload-my-cnf --reload-my-cnf:config /etc/my.cnf --log:level DEBUG


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request