
Mythtv frontend control socket bindings.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mythtvremote'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mythtvremote


frontend = Your frontend ip as a string
port = integer (default = 6546 )
action = string ( action from the list)
number = optional option when the action requires it



Jump points

channelpriorities       ==>  Channel Recording Priorities
channelrecpriority      ==>  Channel Recording Priorities
deletebox               ==>  TV Recording Deletion
deleterecordings        ==>  TV Recording Deletion
flixbrowse              ==>  Netflix Browser
flixhistory             ==>  Netflix History
flixqueue               ==>  Netflix Queue
guidegrid               ==>  Program Guide
livetv                  ==>  Live TV
livetvinguide           ==>  Live TV In Guide
mainmenu                ==>  Main Menu
managerecordings        ==>  Manage Recordings / Fix Conflicts
manualbox               ==>  Manual Record Scheduling
manualrecording         ==>  Manual Record Scheduling
musicplaylists          ==>  Select music playlists
mythgallery             ==>  MythGallery
mythgame                ==>  MythGame
mythmovietime           ==>  MythMovieTime
mythnews                ==>  MythNews
mythvideo               ==>  MythVideo
mythweather             ==>  MythWeather
playbackbox             ==>  TV Recording Playback
playbackrecordings      ==>  TV Recording Playback
playdvd                 ==>  Play DVD
playmusic               ==>  Play music
previousbox             ==>  Previously Recorded
progfinder              ==>  Program Finder
programfinder           ==>  Program Finder
programguide            ==>  Program Guide
programrecpriority      ==>  Program Recording Priorities
recordingpriorities     ==>  Program Recording Priorities
ripcd                   ==>  Rip CD
ripdvd                  ==>  Rip DVD
statusbox               ==>  Status Screen
videobrowser            ==>  Video Browser
videogallery            ==>  Video Gallery
videolistings           ==>  Video Listings
videomanager            ==>  Video Manager
viewscheduled           ==>  Manage Recordings / Fix Conflicts


Playback options

chanup                  ==> Change channel Up
chandown                ==> Change channel Down
volume [number]         ==> Change the volume to % number
channum [number]        ==> Change to a specific channel number
chanidnum [number]      ==> Change to a specific channel id (chanid)
beginning               ==> Seek to the beginning of the recording
forward                 ==> Skip forward in the video
backward                ==> Skip backwards in the video
pause                   ==> Pause playback
play                    ==> Playback at normal speed
stop                    ==> Stop playback
menu                    ==> Playback menu


up                      ==> Key up
down                    ==> Key down
right                   ==> Key right
left                    ==> Key left
back                    ==> Key back
enter                   ==> Key enter
spacebar                ==> Key spacebar
backspace               ==> Key backspace



from a to  z
from A to  Z
from 0 to 9
symbols : #,$,%,&,(,),*,+,-,.,/,:,;,<,=,>,?,[,],.



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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request