NameParser Build Status

Does what it says. Based on Matthew Ericson's people gem: which, in turn, is loosely based on the Lingua-EN-NameParser Perl module.

To set up development environment clone the repo and run bundle to get all of the dependencies.


require "name_parser"

include NameParser

name = "Captain Arthur Two Sheds Jackson Jr."

parser =

parser.first  # => "Arthur"
parser.middle # => "Two Sheds"
parser.last   # => "Jackson"
parser.title  # => "Captain"
parser.suffix # => "Jr."

or using the mixin

require "name_parser"

include NameParser

name = "Captain Arthur Two Sheds Jackson Jr."

parser = name_parser(name) # => NameParser::Parser

parser.first # => "Arthur"
# ...

Supported Ruby Versions

  • 1.9.2
  • 1.9.3
  • 2.0.0