
NaturalEarth bundles data from the Natural Earth project so they can be used in Ruby project.


This gem use RGeo internally. Make sure you read installation instructions for RGeo.

NaturalEarth is distributed as a gem and available on so you can add it to your Gemfile or install it manually with:

gem install natural_earth



NaturalEarth::Countries gives you information about countries.

A country is identified by its ISO-3166-1 code. Methods that take an ISO-3166-1 code as argument accept it in any format (alpha-2, alpha-3 or numeric), as a case-insensitive string or symbol (or an integer for numeric codes). An ISO-3166-2 code will be truncated as a 3166-1 code.

An instance of NaturalEarth::Country contains data for:

  • Its official name, in english. (For country names translations, see other gems like twitter-cldr or carmen)
  • Its ISO-3166 codes (alpha-2, alpha-3 and numeric)
  • Its location, expressed as a continent and a subregion, as defined by United Nation geoscheme
  • Its subdivisions, as a hash of NaturalEarth::Subdivisions indexed by their ISO-3166-2 code
  • Its geometry, returned as a RGeo::Feature::Instance


NaturalEarth::Subdivisions gives you information about country subdivisions.

A country subdivision is identified by its ISO-3166-2 code. Methods that take an ISO-3166-2 code as argument accept it as a case-insensitive string or symbol.

An instance of NaturalEarth::Subdivision contains data for:

  • Its official name, in english.
  • Its ISO-3166 code
  • The country it belongs to, as an instance of NatiuralEarth::Country
  • Its geometry, returned as a RGeo::Feature::Instance


Both NaturalEarth::Countries and NaturalEarth::Subdivisions support the same interface:

# Get the list of supported regions
# => ['AD', 'AE', 'AF', 'AG', 'AI', 'AL', 'AM', 'AO', 'AQ', 'AR', 'AS', 'AT', 'AU', 'AW', 'AX', 'AZ', …]

# Check if a region is supported
# => true

# Fetch a region
# => #<NaturalEarth::Country>

# => #<NaturalEarth::Country>

# Fetch a subdivision
# => #<NaturalEarth::Subdivision>

# Get geometry of a region
region = NaturalEarth::Countries.fetch('CA')
# => #<RGeo::Feature::Instance>

A note on data

Cultural geography is hard and changing and data from the Natural Earth project are not perfect. We had to do choices when importing them.

The most important of them is we choose to stick to the ISO-3166 classification as closely as we could. That means some subdivisions have been promoted as countries (e.g., Gibraltar, Bouvet Island), others have been ignored (e.g., subdivisions of Hong-Kong).

For a list of all adjustments we had to do, you can read lib/tasks/import.rake. Feel free to open an issue or a merge request to discuss these choices and help us to make this gem better.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on Gitlab at


Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @

natural_earth inherits its license from the Natural Earth project.