
Nazca is a Rails 3 plugin to easily deal with all your <title> and <meta> tags, making your app more usable for people and more visible for search engines.


Using instance variables for this purpose seemed so scruffy. Wrapping some code in this little plugin made my layout templates much smaller and cleaner as I could add all my meta tags in a single line of code.


<%= meta_tags "My awesome little site" %>

will yield <title>My awesome little site</title>.

# In views/posts/new.html.erb
<% title "Creating a post" %>

# In views/layouts/application.html.erb
<%= meta_tags "My awesome little site" %>

gives <title>My awesome little site | Creating a new post</title>.

You can specify the title inside a header tag as the title method returns the title itself:

<h1><%= title "Creating a post" %></h1>

You can reverse the order (ie. the subtitle first and the site name last):

<%= meta_tags "My awesome little site", :reverse => true %>

which yields <title>Creating a new post | My awesome little site</title>

It's possible to set custom separator

<%= meta_tags "My awesome little site", :reverse => true, :separator => "::" %>
<title>Creating a new post :: My awesome little site</title>

Setting description and keywords meta tag:

<% title "Creating a post" %>
<% keywords "omg,they,are,so,hot" %>
<% description "Cute girls programming Ruby." %>
<%= meta_tags "My awesome little site" %>

<title>My awesome little site | Creating a post</title>
<meta content="Cute girls programming Ruby." name="description" />
<meta content="omg,they,are,so,hot" name="keywords" />

Why there are no controller methods to globally set up meta tags?

Because I respect MVC. Meta tags are views-specific.

Ruby 1.9?

Yup. Do you still use 1.8?

Rails 2?

Fork you.
