Library to help you know which projects are getting a bit stale.

Sometimes it slowly creeps up on you that you haven’t done anything with X in a few weeks… or even months, and next thing you know getting started again seems somewhat hard. I am pretty prone to this kind of problem; I guess that part of my brain doesn’t work very well. So this is a simple attempt to factor that part of my brain out in to some code.

Sample output:

$FRIEND  475.0 hours
 $BUDDY  256.6 hours
     lj  235.0 hours
     ol  191.9 hours
 tumblr  167.6 hours
  m0x65   94.6 hours
 flickr   46.8 hours
twitter   24.3 hours
   $GIG   22.0 hours
   $PAL    1.1 hours

INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Make sure you have in your list of gem sources

gem install gemcutter
gem tumble

then just install the gem

gem install needy

USAGE ~~~~~

Put something like the below in ~/bin/needy

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'needy'

include Needy

# Your gmail account
gmail :username => '[email protected]', :password => 'PASSWORD' do
  recipient :aofriend, 'an.old.friend'  # List one recipient per line
  recipient :buddy                      # When was the last time you emailed buddy?
  recipient :pal
  recipient ''

# LiveJournal
feed :lj, ''

# Twitter
feed :twitter, ''

# flickr
feed :flickr,

# Tumblr
feed :tumblr, 'http://TUMBLR_URL/rss'

# A git-svn setup, with other authors.
git :ep, '~/s/ep', 'remotes/git-svn' do |repo|
  repo.exec 'svn fetch' 'mattl'

# A git project I sometimes work on from other places
git :ol, '~/s/ol', 'origin/master' do |repo|
  repo.exec 'fetch'

# A git project I never need to fetch
git :m0x65, '~/s/m0x65', 'prod/master'

# Print a line for each project
whens.sort_by{|k,v| v}.each do |k,v|
  printf "%20.20s %6.1f hours\n", k, ( -