neetoMonitor - A ruby gem for monitoring application's uptime and performance.
1. Add the gem
gem "neeto-monitor-ruby", git: ""
2. Install the gems
bundle install
3. Add configuration
The neetoMonitor can be configured at multiple levels. i.e. using
env variables
, adding a config file
or manually passing the configuration
hash to NeetoMonitorRuby.init!
3.1 Setting the config via NeetoMonitorRuby.init!
api_key: your_app_api_key,
environment: production
3.2 Using a config file
# config/neetomonitor.yml
api_key: [API_KEY]
ping_timeout: 5
Following are the available configuration options with their default values.
base_url: (default:
# The monitor server base URL. In `development` or `staging` we can set this to local/staging URL.
api_key: (default: nil)
# A unique api key for an organization.
environment: (default: nil)
# The monitoring environment name for an application
ping_timeout: (default: 8 seconds)
# The request timeout for ping requests.
# Enables sidekiq plugin to report worker/job events.
config_path: (default: "config/neetomonitor.yml")
# The config file path
key_prefix_enabled: (default: true)
# This allows to enable/disable prefix for monitor key.
key_prefix: (default: application's name e.g. NeetoKb if integrated in neetoKb)
# The prefix added to the monitor key. e.g. if the check name is ArticleWorker, the result will be NeetoKb::ArticleWorker.
# more on this in next section
3.3 Using ENV variables:
variables must start with NEETO_MONITOR
Similarly, other ENV variables can also be set by prefixing with
The precedence of the configuration is as follows:
Options passed to NeetoMonitorRuby.init! > Config file > ENV variables > default values
4. Configuring monitors
The monitors can be added in bulk using a config file. e.g.
api_key: [API_KEY]
- name: "neeto-monitor"
endpoint: "http://app.neetomonitor.test/health_check/"
kind: "http"
verb: "get"
interval: 10
timeout: 20
- kind: "response_code"
verb: "equal"
value: 200
- name: "neeto-job"
- kind: max_duration
verb: less_than
value: 10
- name: "hard-job",
schedule: "* * * * *"
- name: "neeto-heartbeat"
schedule: "* * * * *"
The above config will create total four monitors i.e. 2 jobs and 1 check and 1 heartbeat.
4.1 Checks monitors (Checks)
The checks are used for monitoring website's uptime. The website requests are made at regular intervals which is configured via `interval` attribute.
name: # The name of check monitor e.g. "neeto-auth"
request_attributes: # This specifies configuring options for the website request.
endpoint: # The request URL endpoint
kind: # The request protocol
verb: # The request verb/method i.e. get/post/head etc.
interval: # The request frequency
timeout: # The request timeout
assertions_attributes: # This specifies the assertion to be made when a request is made.
kind:# The kind of assertion to be made
# available options => response_code, response_time, response_body, response_json, response_header, ssl_expiry, min_duration, max_duration
verb:# The operation verb for assertion
# available options => less_than, less_than_equal, equal, not_equal, greater_than, greater_than_equal, contains, not_contains
key:# The key from the response body json or headers
# e.g. if response body = { "success": true }, key can be "success"
value: # Any value to be checked for the assertion
4.2 Heartbeat monitors (Heartbeats)
The heartbeats are used for monitoring the website/service uptime. The basic
difference between checks
and heartbeats
is that the heartbeats requests are
sent from the host application. Where as the checks requests are made from the
server application.
The heartbeats can be added via the config file. When it is mentioned in the config, the heartbeats will be created in neetoMonitor upon the app initialization.
When schedule
is defined for the heartbeats, the gem will send the heartbeats
using the schedule frequency and neetoMonitor can send alerts when heartbeats are not received in this frequency.
The heartbeats events are sent using the HeartbeatRunnerJob
. This sends the ping at time intervals based on the schedule. E.g. following heartbeat sends a ping every minute.
- name: "neeto-heartbeat"
schedule: "* * * * *" # heartbeat frequency
Trigger heartbeats from application manually
The heartbeats can be triggered manually using a periodic job. If you are using sidekiq
, you can use sidekiq-cron
to trigger heartbeats at desired frequency.
Here is an example of how you can configure heartbeats manually.
# Worker for sending heartbeat
class HeartbeatsWorker < BaseWorker
sidekiq_options neeto_monitor_disabled: true
def perform
# config/schedule.yml
cron: "* * * * *"
class: "HeartbeatsWorker"
4.3 Job monitors (Jobs)
The jobs
are used for checking reliability and performance of background
All the monitors can be added either via the web application or from the mentioned config file.
The jobs
can be created by other methods as well i.e. without adding jobs
config section or web application UI. This is done using Sidekiq
included in the gem. When any new worker starts execution e.g. ArticleJob
, the
job monitor's run
event is sent automatically. The complete
event is sent
when the job execution is successfully completed. Similarly, fail
event is
sent when job execution fails. This ArticleJob
monitor is created at
application if it is not created already. If we want schedule
field i.e. periodic job events to be sent to neetoMonitor application, we must
add such jobs to a config file. e.g.
- name: "NeetoWorker"
schedule: "* * * * *" # frequency of periodic jobs
- name: "neeto-job"
- kind:
# available values => max_duration, min_duration
# available values => less_than_or_equal, less_than, greater_than, greater_than_or_equal, equal
# allowed values => integer/float value
The job events are automatically sent from the sidekiq
plugin when
is set to true. This flag is set to true
by default. The job
events are not sent when this plugin is not enabled. The gem currently supports
only Sidekiq
for background job monitoring. If we are using any other library
for background jobs, we can send the events manually. E.g.
class ArticleJob
def perform
job_monitor ="ArticleJob")
series_stamp =
job_monitor.job_ping(state: "run", series: series_stamp)
process_article_job # job business logic
job_monitor.job_ping(state: "complete", series: series_stamp)
rescue StandardError => error
job_monitor.job_ping(state: "fail", series: series_stamp, message: error.message)
Sometimes we don't want to monitor some Sidekiq
workers. We have an option to
disable the monitoring for such workers.
class MonitorDisabledWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options neeto_monitor_disabled: true
The default monitor key
for jobs
are the class name of the Sidekiq
itself. We can change the key
of the monitored job by setting
in sidekiq_options
class CustomMonitorWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options neeto_monitor_key: "super_worker"