Neon Schemas

This is a package in Node and Ruby that contain schemas written in Apache Avro for all of our microservices.

This package can be included to guarantee correct publishing and subscribing of messages from our message queue.

Upgrading the GCP Schema

You can update the GCP Pub/Sub schema with the GCloud CLI.

gcloud config set project neon-law-staging # or neon-law-production

# list topics
gcloud pubsub topics list

# Add schema
gcloud beta pubsub schemas create outbound_email \
  --type=avro \
  --definition="$(cat ./src/outbound_email.avsc)"

# Create the outbound email topic
gcloud beta pubsub topics create outbound_email \
        --message-encoding=BINARY \
# Create the dead-letter-queue outbound-email-topic
gcloud beta pubsub topics create outbound_email_dlq \
        --message-encoding=BINARY \

# Create the subscription
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create outbound_email \
    --topic=outbound_email \
    --ack-deadline=30 \
    --dead-letter-topic=outbound_email_dlq \


  • Outbound Emails
    • Welcome Email


bundle exec guard