Nexmo Rails Gem

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Nexmo is now known as Vonage

This is the Nexmo Rails Gem for Nexmo's API. To use it you'll need a Nexmo account. Sign up for free at


Nexmo Rails requires:


To install the Nexmo Rails gem add it to your project's Gemfile:

gem 'nexmo_rails'

Then, run bundle install from the command line.


The Nexmo Rails gem will initialize a new instance of the Nexmo client inside your Rails application and make it globally accessible. To make this happen, you must supply it with your Nexmo API credentials. You can do so either as environemnt variables or as part of your Rails credentials.

With Environment Variables

To add your Nexmo API credentials as environment variables, first add the desired Nexmo credentials to your .env file. For example, if you are using only the API_KEY and API_SECRET, then add the following:

NEXMO_API_KEY = your_api_key
NEXMO_API_SECRET = your_api_secret

If you are also using a SIGNATURE, APPLICATION_ID and/or a PRIVATE_KEY, then add them as appropriate to your .env file:

NEXMO_API_SIGNATURE = your_signature
NEXMO_PRIVATE_KEY = your_private_key_file_path
NEXMO_APPLICATION_ID = your_application_id

Make sure you have the dotenv-rails Gem installed in your application and that your .env file is included in .gitignore so as not to commit your credentials to version control.

With Rails Credentials

To add your Nexmo API credentials to your Rails Credentials, go ahead and open your encrypted credentials file with the following command:

$ EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit

You can replace the EDITOR variable with your preferred editor. Once the credentials file is open, you are able to add the Nexmo credentials with the following namespacing:


You may add any of the Nexmo API credentials your application needs nested within the nexmo: namespace.

Running the Initializer

To initialize your global Nexmo client in your application, run the following from your terminal:

$ rails generate nexmo_initializer

This will create a ./config/initializers/nexmo.rb file in your application that will make the variable Nexmo available across your application, which contains your fully credentialed Nexmo client.

At this point, you can access any of the Nexmo APIs by simply referring to Nexmo in your code. For example, instead of first initializing a Nexmo client with your credentials to send an SMS, all you need to do is add the following to your application:

Nexmo.sms.send(from: 'YOUR_NUMBER', to: 'NUMBER', text: 'Hello world')

More information on the Nexmo Ruby client library and how to use it with the Nexmo APIs can be found here.


This project is under the MIT License.