
This gem contains a little Rails 3.2 engine for generating dynamic error pages. If an error occures, normally Rails will render a static 404.html, 422.html or 500.html file from the public folder. NiftyErrorpages allows you to handle all the rendering through an errors_controller with views. You can easily customize your views, layout, helper and controller.

The gem name is derived from the awesome NiftyGenerators Gem from Ryan Bates, because the default error pages have a quite similar style as the nifty generator views :-).

Quick Start

gem install nifty_errorpages

Or add it to your Gemfile:

gem "nifty_errorpages"


There are following generators available for customizing your error pages and the behaviour:

rails g nifty_errorpages:views          # generates view files
rails g nifty_errorpages:controllers    # generates controller files
rails g nifty_errorpages:helpers        # generates helper files

Or simple generate all files

rails g nifty_errorpages:all            # generates all files


Feel free to fork this project and add additional features. If you recognize any bugs, please create a new pull request or simple let me know about your problem. You always can contact me under [email protected].


I run the tests under the production environment to simulate the exact error behavior under production. Because of this you need to migrate the production database first:

bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

After that you can simple run the specs, first cd into the spec folder and then run:

bundle exec rspec features/

Copyright (c) 2013, Matthias Frick, BSc. This project is released under the MIT LICENSE.