Common shared deployment recipes.
The user has local tasks to set up variables specfic to the deploying environment (ie. staging, production, etc.).
Database Recipes
Require the database recipes in your deploy.rb file:
require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/database'
The user acting during the deployment must have permissions to dump the MySQL database.
To Local File
Dumps the contents of a remote database to a MySQL dump file, scp’s the file to /tmp directory.
cap production db:dump:to_local_file
To Local Database
Dumps the contents of a remote database to a MySQL dump file, scp’s the file to /tmp directory, loads the locally configured development database and deletes the local and remote dump files.
cap production db:dump:to_local_db
The configured local development user must have permission to load the database form a MySQL dump file.
To Staging Database
Dumps the contents of a remote database to a MySQL dump file, scp’s the file to /tmp directory of the staging server, loads the locally configured staging database and deletes the local and remote dump files.
cap production db:dump:to_staging_db
The configured staging user must have permission to load the database form a MySQL dump file.
The staging machine must be able to ssh to the host that is configured in the recipe.
Deploy Recipes
Require the deploy recipes in your deploy.rb file:
require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/deploy'
Presents a maintenance page to visitors.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "deploy:web:disable"
From Command-Line:
cap production deploy:web:disable REASON="hardware upgrade" UNTIL="12pm Central Time"
Log Recipes
Require the database recipes in your deploy.rb file:
require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/log'
Tails the remote server’s log for the current environment.
cap production log:tail
Passenger Recipes
Require the passenger recipes in your deploy.rb file:
require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/passenger'
Restarts Passenger.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "passenger:restart"
From Command-Line:
cap production passenger:restart
Restarts Passenger using sudo.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "passenger:sudo_restart"
From Command-Line:
cap production passenger:sudo_restart
Sass Recipes
Include the Sass Rake tasks in your deploy.rb:
NinjaDeploy do
mirror_rake_tasks :sass
Run Rake via Bundler, locally and/or remotely, using a configuration:
NinjaDeploy.local_rake_executable = '/usr/bin/env bundle exec rake'
NinjaDeploy.remote_rake_executable = '/usr/bin/env bundle exec rake'
Generates the CSS files from the Sass files.
As Callback:
before "deploy:restart", "sass:update"
From Command-Line:
cap production sass:update
Thinking Sphinx Recipes
Require the thinking sphinx recipes in your deploy.rb file and include the Thinking Sphinx Rake tasks:
require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/thinking_sphinx'
NinjaDeploy do
mirror_rake_tasks :thinking_sphinx
Run Rake via Bundler, locally and/or remotely, using a configuration:
NinjaDeploy.local_rake_executable = '/usr/bin/env bundle exec rake'
NinjaDeploy.remote_rake_executable = '/usr/bin/env bundle exec rake'
Generates the Thinking Sphinx configuration file from the sphinx.yml file.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:configure"
From Command-Line:
cap production thinking_sphinx:configure
Builds the Sphinx index files.
From Command-Line:
cap production thinking_sphinx:configure
Stops Sphinx, if running, then starts Sphinx.
From Command-Line:
cap production thinking_sphinx:ts_run
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:ts_run"
Start Sphinx searchd daemon.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:start"
Stops Sphinx searchd daemon.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:stop"
Stops thinking sphinx using the config file in the previous release. Useful when there is not a configuration file in the current release yet.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:stop_using_previous_config"
Stops and starts the Sphinx searchd daemon.
From Command-Line:
cap production thinking_sphinx:restart
Stops the Sphinx searchd daemon, re-indexes and then starts the searchd daemon.
From Command-Line:
cap production thinking_sphinx:rebuild
Create the folder in the shared directory to store the Sphinx files.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:shared_sphinx_folder"
symlink to the folder in the shared directory to store the Sphinx files.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:symlink_sphinx_indexes"
Version Recipes
Require the version recipes in your deploy.rb file:
require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/version'
Writes a public/VERSION file to the remote server.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "version:write"
branch_tag_or_sha_to_deploy variable
Whenever Recipes
Require the whenever recipes in your deploy.rb file:
require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/whenever'
Updates the crontab file using whenever.
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "whenever:update_crontab"
From Command-Line:
cap production whenever:update_crontab
application variable
RVM Recipes
Require the RVM recipes in your deploy.rb file:
require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/rvm'
As Callback:
after "deploy:update_code", "rvm:trust_rvmrc"
From Command-Line:
cap production rvm:trust_rvmrc
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Released under the MIT License.