NOMIS API Client (Ruby)

A minimal client for the NOMIS API


Without bundler


  • ruby
  • rubygems
  gem install nomis-api-client  

With bundler

  1. In your Gemfile, add:

    gem 'nomis-api-client'
  2. From the console:

    bundle install



The NOMIS API uses JSON Web Token authentication, and requires all requests to provide a Bearer token in the 'Authentication' header. For example:

Authentication: Bearer eyJ( of big long base64-encoded string removed...)LdRw

Generating a bearer token automatically

The NOMIS API Client gem can generate a suitable token for you, given your Client Key and Client Token. You can provide these either directly:

  # direct key & token parameters 'your client key', client_token: 'your client token')

or as paths to local files:

  # client key & token file parameters 'path to your client key file', client_token_file: 'path to your client token file')

or as environment variables:

  export NOMIS_API_CLIENT_KEY_FILE=/path/to/your/client/key/file
  export NOMIS_API_CLIENT_TOKEN_FILE=/path/to/your/client/token/file

Specifying an explicit bearer token

If you'd rather provide an explicit token yourself, you can do that as follows:

  # explicit auth_token parameter'your bearer token')

Manually generating a bearer token

You can generate a bearer token without making a request as follows:

  # Manually generating a bearer token 'your client key', client_token: 'your client token').bearer_token

There is also a command-line executable:

  generate_bearer_token /path/to/your.token /path/to/your.key

Environment (preprod/prod)

The NOMIS API has two endpoints avaiable:

To tell the API client to use one or the other, either provide a base_url parameter:

  # direct base_url parameter '', ...)

or the environment variable NOMIS_API_BASE_URL:

  #  base URL environment variable
  export NOMIS_API_BASE_URL=''

Loading the gem

Assuming you have the gem installed and the path in your $LOAD_PATH (this is simplest if you have bundler installed, and your bundle includes nomis-api-client), you can load the gem code with:

require 'nomis/api'

Making a request

To make an API request, first construct a Get or Post object, providing:

  • path: the path of the endpoint you are requesting (required)

  • params: a hash of params you are passing (optional)

  • any authentication parameters (optional) - see 'Authentication' above

  • base_url: the base URL (optional) - see 'Environment' above

  # construct a 'lookup active offender' request
  req = 'lookup/active_offender', params: {noms_id:'A12345BC', date_of_birth:'1966-05-29'})

  # make the request
  response = req.execute

The response will be a ParsedResponse object, encapsulating the raw response, the HTTP status, and the data parsed as JSON:

=> #<NOMIS::API::ParsedResponse:0x007ffbf35a1238 @raw_response=#<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>, @data={"found"=>true, "offender"=>{"id"=>1234567}}>

bundle :027 > response.status
 => "200" 

bundle :028 >
 => {"found"=>true, "offender"=>{"id"=>1234567}} 

API Documentation

For full details on the supported endpoints, see the API documentation