
This gem is a simple solution that allows you to remind your users to do things such as update their profiles, complete surveys or try a new feature. You can easily add links for postponing these reminders.

Installation (wip)

  1. In your Gemfile, add this line: gem 'noodnik'
  2. $ bundle install
  3. $ rake noodnik:install:migrations
  4. $ rake db:migrate
  5. $ rails g noodnik:install
  6. Edit config/initializers/Noodnik.rb and follow the instructions there.


A Quick Nagging Example

<%= nag_user_to :update_profile do %>
  You still need to <%= link_to 'update your profile', update_profile_path %>!
<% end %>

This will render the following HTML:

<div class="noodnik-nag"> 
  You still need to <a href="/profiles/update" class="noodnik-complete" data-noodnik-complete-path="/noodnik/complete?topic=update_profile">update your profile</a>!
  • Clicking on "update your profile" will stop the message from appearing the next time the user views the page.

Postponing Nags

Inside nag_user_to blocks, you can use the postpone_for helper to create links for temporarily postponing nags:

<%= nag_user_to :complete_survey do %>
  Don't forget to <%= link_to 'complete our survey', complete_survey_path %> 
  (<%= postpone_for 5.days %>)      
<% end %>

Will output something that looks like:

Don't forget to complete our survey (Remind me in 5 days)

  • Clicking on "complete our survey" will take the user to complete_survey_path, but will also mark this nag as complete (which means that this entire div block won't be displayed ever again in the future)
  • Click on "Remind me in 5 days" will hide the div block and prevent it from being displayed in the next 5 days. The user will stay in the same page and won't be redirected anywhere.

Manually Completing Nags

Any link_to under a nag_user_to block will automatically mark the nag as complete when clicked. You might choose to mark nags as complete at a different time (for example, only after the user actually finishes a survey). To achieve this, you need to specify complete: false for links inside nag_user_to blocks.

<%= nag_user_to :complete_survey do %>
  <%= link_to 'complete our survey', complete_survey_path, complete: false %>
<% end %>

Then, you can mark this as complete by calling: