
OmniAuth strategies for use in your intranet.


To get just enterprise functionality:

gem install oa-enterprise

For the full auth suite:

gem install omniauth

Stand-Alone Example

Use the strategy as a middleware in your application:

require 'omniauth/enterprise'

use OmniAuth::Strategies::CAS, :server => ''

Then simply direct users to ‘/auth/cas’ to have them sign in via your company’s CAS server. See OmniAuth::Strategies::CAS::Configuration for more configuration options.

OmniAuth Builder

If CAS is one of several authentication strategies, use the OmniAuth Builder:

require 'omniauth/enterprise'
require 'omniauth/oauth'  # for Campfire
require 'openid/store/filesystem'

use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :cas, :server => ''
  provider :campfire