ObjectDojo is a utility to improve your Object oriented programming skills using rules described in the article "Object Calisthenics" by JeffBay:


The Rules

  1. One level of indentation per method
  2. Don’t use the ELSE keyword
  3. Wrap all primitives and Strings
  4. First class collections
  5. One dot per line
  6. Don’t abbreviate
  7. Keep all entities small
  8. No classes with more than two instance variables
  9. No getters/setters/properties


Run the command line utility dojo in your current project folder.

myapp$ dojo


The rules can be configured by passing command line options. To get the full list of command line options

$ dojo -h

Supported languages

The current version supports only Ruby. Support for other languages like Java, C# and Python will be added in the future.