
Octadesk gem implements interface to Oficial Octadesk API.


You need to account in Octadesk and create API Token, oficial docummentation: https://help.octadesk.com/kb/article/como-trabalhar-com-a-api-da-octadesk

Rest Client is used to perform all API calls.


gem 'octadesk'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install octadesk

Getting started

First need to instance the API:

api = Octadesk::Api.new({
    user_email: 'OCTA_USER_EMAIL',
    api_token: 'OCTA_API_TOKEN'


* api.get_request("/API_PATH", params={}, headers={})
  -> Returns get from Octa API.
  -> Example: @api.get_request("/[email protected]")

* api.post_request("/API_PATH", params={}, headers={})
  -> Returns post from Octa API.

* api.put_request("/API_PATH", params={}, headers={})
  -> Returns put from Octa API.

* api.patch_request("/API_PATH", params={}, headers={})
  -> Returns patch from Octa API.

* api.head_request("/API_PATH", params={}, headers={})
  -> Returns head from Octa API.

* api.delete_request("/API_PATH", params={}, headers={})
  -> Returns delete from Octa API.

Contributing / Problems?

If you have encountered any problem, difficulty or bug, please start by opening a issue.

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/douglaslaraa/octadesk. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.