
This gem provides an OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with GoCardless.

Usage Rails

Add the gem to your gemfile.

gem 'omniauth-gocardless', require: 'omniauth-gocardless'

Add the following as an initializer:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :gocardless, '<client_id>', '<client_secret>', scope: 'manage_merchant'

This gives you access to a variable request.env['omniauth.auth'] in your authentication callback that looks like this:

  • uid - the id of the user
  • info - {'email' => '<user email>', 'name' => '<business name>', 'first_name' => '<first name>', 'last_name' => '<last name>'}
  • extra - {'raw_info' => {'balance' => '<amount>', 'created_at' => '<date time with tz>', 'description' => '<Text>', 'hide_variable_amount' => '<bool>', 'id' => '<id of user>' 'name' => '<business name>', 'first_name' => '<first name>', 'last_name' => '<last name>', 'next_payout_amount' => <amount>, 'next_payout_date' => '<date time with tz>', 'pending_balance' => <amount> …}}


To authorize against your gocardless sandbox environment set the site url to https://sandbox.gocardless.com/ like this:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :gocardless, '<client_id>', '<client_secret>', scope: 'manage_merchant', 
    client_options: {site: 'https://sandbox.gocardless.com'}

To set a callback host e.g. if you call from different subdomains you can set it like this:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :gocardless, '<client_id>', '<client_secret>', scope: 'manage_merchant', 
    callback_host: 'https://www.cobot.me'