OmniAuth Medpass  Build Status Dependency Status

Medpass OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth 1.0 authentication system.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'omniauth-medpass'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install omniauth-medpass

Quick start

$ MEDPASS_API_KEY="your_medpass_api_key" ruby examples/sinatra.rb


require 'omniauth-medpass'
require 'openid/store/filesystem'

use Rack::Session::Cookie
use OmniAuth::Strategies::Medpass, ENV['MEDPASS_API_KEY'], :store =>'/tmp')

Block style:

require 'omniauth-medpass'
require 'openid/store/filesystem'

use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :medpass, 'YOUR_MEDPASS_API_KEY', :store =>'/tmp')

Medpass API Key is optional - you do not need it to successfully authenticate user - but if you provide it, you will have access to full Auth Hash data.

For more information about configuring OpenID strategy, see original documentation.

Note that default OpenID stores (memory and filesystem) will not work on clustered servers (unless they all share same store path).


<a href="/auth/medpass">Sign in with Medpass</a>

...and then retrieve authenticated user data in callback (here using Sinatra):

post '/auth/unipass/callback' do
  User.create(:id => request.env['omniauth.auth'].id)

Auth Hash

Exemplary Auth Hash obtained after successful authentication:

  'provider' => 'medpass',
  'id' => 'eilda.bleet',
  'info' => {
    'name'        => 'Eilda Bleet',
    'email'       => '[email protected]',
    'nickname'    => 'anonimowy użytkownik', # user can hide his display_name
    'first_name'  => 'Eilda',
    'last_name'   => 'Bleet',
    'location'    => 'Poznań',
    'description' => 'Absolwentka wyższej szkoły organizacji turystyki i hotelarstwa.',
    'image'       => '',
    'phone'       => nil,
    'urls'        => {
      'medpass' => ''
  'extra' => {
    'raw_info' => {
      'medpass_id'       => 123,
      'login'            => 'eilda.bleet',
      'firstname'        => 'Eilda',
      'lastname'         => 'Bleet',
      'title'            => 'Dr',
      'display_name'     => 'anonimowy użytkownik',
      'email'            => '[email protected]'
      'group'            => 2,
      'group_key'        => 'DOC',
      'city'             => 'Poznań',
      'address'          => 'Lipna 27',
      'postcode'         => '01-234',
      'mobile_phone'     => '521324354',
      'phone'            => '229876543',
      'skype'            => 'eilda1717',
      'gadu'             => nil,
      'pwz'              => '696969',
      'speciality'       => nil,
      'about'            => 'I love pancakes!',
      'gender'           => 1,
      'company_name'     => 'Activeweb',
      'company_address'  => 'Wiatru w polu 3',
      'company_city'     => 'Gdynia',
      'company_postcode' => nil,
      'company_province' => 'śląskodąbrowskie',
      'company_phone'    => nil,
      'is_superviewer'   => false,
      'province' => {
        'province' => {
          'name' => 'mazowieckie',
          'code' => '14',
          'id'   => 7

Note that this information is available only if you provide valid Medpass API Key.


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  5. Create new Pull Request