websolr-rails gem

This gem provides Rails support for websolr.com, and a command-line tool to interact with the indexes hosted there. The Rails support is reverse-compatible with acts_as_solr.


Ruby documentation is at onemorecloud.github.com/websolr-rails

Current Release

There is no numbered release yet, but the master branch is always considered stable.


For now, please send email to [email protected]


Please refer to the CHANGELOG


$: gem sources -a gems.github.com $: sudo gem install onemorecloud-websolr-rails


$: export WEBSOLR_USER=my_username $: export WEBSOLR_PWD=my_password $: cd my_rails_project $: websolr add -n my_index_name $: websolr configure -e development -n my_index_name

Basic Usage

# Just include the line below to any of your ActiveRecord models:


# Or if you want, you can specify only the fields that should be indexed:

acts_as_solr :fields => [:name, :author]

# Then to find instances of your model, just do:

Model.find_by_solr(query) #query is a string representing your query

# Please see ActsAsSolr::ActsMethods for a complete info

acts_as_solr in your tests

If you would like to mock out Solr calls so that a Solr server is not needed (and your tests will run much faster), just add this to your ‘test_helper.rb` or similar:

class ActsAsSolr::Post
  def self.execute(request)



Websolr is by Onemorecloud.

Based on acts_as_solr by: Erik Hatcher, Thiago Jackiw, Luke Francl, Mathias Meyer, and others.

Release Information

Released under the MIT license.