
ontology is a helper to generate dictionary pages.

Ontology is designed to work a static web site environment. I use it with the nanoc static website generator developped by Didier Defreyne http://nanoc.stoneship.org/ . Ontology is written in Ruby and if you want to hack the code, some Ruby knowledge might help

ontology is designed from ground up to work in a multi-language environment. However the whole system is conceived to work at no cost in a similar way in a single language environment


Conceptually, ontology is a tool which generates from your text glossary or dictionary entries which are usually written in the directories you are maintaining. So it is possible that through whatever reason, you might overwrite valuable files of yours.

And you should definitely take care of this !!

config.yaml (or whatever you choose to call your configuration files) has two entries for each glossary.

ontology: source: my_glossary destination: fr: content/fr/mon_glossaire de: c en: content/en/my_glossary

Be aware that, with this configuration, you will routinel write to the directories content/fr/mon_glossaire, content/fr/mon_glossaire and content/en/my_glossary.

They are within the content directory, you tend to consider as yours ... So take care!!!


The project home page is here

and the files are at


You can reach me at