
Build Status

A client and integration layer for Opbeat. Forked from the raven-ruby project.


Add the following to your Gemfile:

gem "opbeat"


Rails 3 and Rails 4

Add a config/initializers/opbeat.rb containing:

require 'opbeat'

Opbeat.configure do |config|
  config.organization_id = '094e250818f44e82bfae13919f55fb35'
  config.app_id = '094e250818'
  config.secret_token = 'f0f5237a221637f561a15614f5fef218f8d6317d'

Rails 2

No support for Rails 2 yet.


Basic RackUp file.

require 'opbeat'

use Opbeat::Rack

Opbeat.configure do |config|
  config.organization_id = '094e250818f44e82bfae13919f55fb35'
  config.app_id = '094e250818'
  config.secret_token = 'f0f5237a221637f561a15614f5fef218f8d6317d'


require 'sinatra'
require 'opbeat'

use Opbeat::Rack

Opbeat.configure do |config|
  config.organization_id = '094e250818f44e82bfae13919f55fb35'
  config.app_id = '094e250818'
  config.secret_token = 'f0f5237a221637f561a15614f5fef218f8d6317d'

get '/' do
  1 / 0

Other Ruby

require 'opbeat'

Opbeat.configure do |config|
  config.organization_id = '094e250818f44e82bfae13919f55fb35'
  config.app_id = '094e250818'
  config.secret_token = 'f0f5237a221637f561a15614f5fef218f8d6317d'

  # manually configure environment if ENV['RACK_ENV'] is not defined
  config.current_environment = 'production'

Opbeat.capture # Global style

Opbeat.capture do # Block style
  1 / 0

Background processing

With delayed_job and sidekiq, Opbeat will automatically pick up exceptions that are raised in background jobs.

To enable Opbeat for resque, add the following (for example in config/initializers/opbeat.rb):

require "resque/failure/multiple"
require "opbeat/integrations/resque"

Resque::Failure::Multiple.classes = [Resque::Failure::Opbeat]
Resque::Failure.backend = Resque::Failure::Multiple

Explicitly notifying Opbeat

It is possible to explicitely notify Opbeat. In the case of a simple message:

Opbeat.capture_message("Not happy with the way things turned out")

If you want to catch and explicitely send an exception to Opbeat, this is the way to do it:

rescue Exception => e

Both Opbeat.capture_exception and Opbeat.capture_message take additional options:

Opbeat.capture_message("Device registration error", :extra => {:device_id => my_device_id})

Notifications in development mode

By default events will be sent to Opbeat if your application is running in any of the following environments: development, production, default. Environment is set by default if you are running a Rack application (i.e. anytime ENV['RACK_ENV'] is set).

You can configure Opbeat to run only in production environments by configuring the environments whitelist:

require 'opbeat'

Opbeat.configure do |config|
  config.organization_id = '094e250818f44e82bfae13919f55fb35'
  config.app_id = '094e250818'
  config.secret_token = 'f0f5237a221637f561a15614f5fef218f8d6317d'

  config.environments = %w[ production ]

Excluding Exceptions

If you never wish to be notified of certain exceptions, specify 'excluded_exceptions' in your config file.

In the example below, the exceptions Rails uses to generate 404 responses will be suppressed.

require 'opbeat'

Opbeat.configure do |config|
  config.organization_id = '094e250818f44e82bfae13919f55fb35'
  config.app_id = '094e250818'
  config.secret_token = 'f0f5237a221637f561a15614f5fef218f8d6317d'

  config.excluded_exceptions = ['ActionController::RoutingError', 'ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound']

Sanitizing Data (Processors)

If you need to sanitize or pre-process (before its sent to the server) data, you can do so using the Processors implementation. By default, a single processor is installed (Opbeat::Processors::SanitizeData), which will attempt to sanitize keys that match various patterns (e.g. password) and values that resemble credit card numbers.

To specify your own (or to remove the defaults), simply pass them with your configuration:

require 'opbeat'

Opbeat.configure do |config|
  config.organization_id = '094e250818f44e82bfae13919f55fb35'
  config.app_id = '094e250818'
  config.secret_token = 'f0f5237a221637f561a15614f5fef218f8d6317d'

  config.processors = [Opbeat::Processor::SanitizeData]

User information

With Rails, Opbeat expects controller#current_user to return an object with id, email and/or username attributes. You can change the name of the current user method in the following manner:

Opbeat.configure do |config|
  config.user_controller_method = "my_other_user_method"

Opbeat will now call controller#my_other_user_method to retrieve the user object.

Setting context

It is possible to set a context which be included an exceptions that are captured.

Opbeat.set_context :extra => {:device_id => my_device_id}

Opbeat.capture_message("Hello world")  # will include the context


$ bundle install
$ rake spec
