
This repository contains the source to opencensus-jaeger gem. This library is a plugin for Ruby OpenCensus that exports data to Jaeger. Read Author's Note at the end of this readme for more information.


$ gem install opencensus-jaeger

or, place it in Bunlder's Gemfile

gem 'opencensus-jaeger' and run bundle install


Usage is pretty straight forward:

OpenCensus.configure do |c|
  c.trace.exporter =
    service_name: 'some_name',
    host: 'your_jaeger_agent_host', # default to 'localhost'
    port: 'your_jaeger_agent_udp_port', # default to 6831
    tags: { 'something': 'useful' },
    max_packet_length: 12345, # config if you want something smaller than DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH,
    protocol_class: ::Thrift::CompactProtocol # currently supporting only compact protocol

Running Example

The example is just a running webserver with two endpoints:

  1. One main endpoint / returning Hello world to test tracing with Opencensus on the Rack Middleware level
  2. One endpoint /lengthy would make an outgoing http request and then sleep for some seconds to test tracing with Opencensus on Faraday Middleware level and test adding a custom span.

To setup, first you need to run Jaeger, whose introduction could easily be found here:
I would recommend using one command to start everything, although the things that we need the most is the UDP Agent running at port 6381, as this exporter will send span data to the jaeger agent via UDP over thrift protocol.

docker run -d --name jaeger \
  -p 5775:5775/udp \
  -p 6831:6831/udp \
  -p 6832:6832/udp \
  -p 5778:5778 \
  -p 16686:16686 \
  -p 14268:14268 \
  -p 9411:9411 \

Then install all the necessary gems and run the server:

cd examples
bundle exec rackup -s thin -p 4567

If there is any error installing with bundle, you should tinker the gemfile a bit since I load this gem locally with a path.
After everything is up and running, head to localhost:4567 and play around with the endpoints I listed above.
Also, you would need to go to localhost:16686 to see the traces display by jaeger UI, which means that we succeeded in collecting them via Opencensus and exporting data to Jaeger.


Open a PR or issue to suggest/fix/implement features/bugs

Author's note

OpenCensus is a platform and provider-agnostic framework for distributed tracing and stats collection. For more information, see
This library is not official and is created by me - luongvo209. I wrote this at the time when there were no exporter to jaeger for opencensus ruby.
~I have not published this gem to reserve the name for the official gem. The gem is currently used in Production at our organisation.~ ~I am awaiting reviews from official OpenCensus's side (I have emailed @dazuma and the official Opencensus's mailing list) since I hope that it would one day make it to the official organisation of opencensus. Or at least I know that I don't conflict with someone on their side if they are already working on this.~