
This gem describes a provider for OpenFeature using the following:

A feature flag format of:

  { "name" => "example_boolean", "kind" => "boolean", "value" => true, "enabled" => true },
  { "name" => "example_invalid_boolean", "kind" => "boolean", "value" => "a string", "enabled" => true },
  { "name" => "example_disabled_boolean", "kind" => "boolean", "value" => true, "enabled" => false },
  { "name"    => "example_named_string",
    "kind"    => "string",
    "value"   => "medium",
    "enabled" => true },
  { "name"    => "example_invalid_named_string",
    "kind"    => "string",
    "value"   => true,
    "enabled" => true },
  { "name"    => "example_disabled_named_string",
    "kind"    => "string",
    "value"   => "medium",
    "enabled" => false },
  { "name"     => "example_named_number",
    "kind"     => "number",
    "variants" => { "small" => 8, "medium" => 128, "large" => 2048 },
    "variant"    => "medium",
    "enabled"  => true },
  { "name"     => "example_invalid_named_number",
    "kind"     => "number",
    "variants" => { "small" => "a string", "medium" => "a string", "large" => "a string" },
    "variant"    => "medium",
    "enabled"  => true },
  { "name"     => "example_disabled_named_number",
    "kind"     => "number",
    "variants" => { "small" => 8, "medium" => 128, "large" => 2048 },
    "variant"    => "medium",
    "enabled"  => false },
  { "name"     => "example_named_float",
    "kind"     => "float",
    "variants" => { "pi" => 3.141592653589793, "e" => 2.718281828459045, "phi" => 1.618033988749894 },
    "variant"    => "e",
    "enabled"  => true },
  { "name"     => "example_invalid_named_float",
    "kind"     => "float",
    "variants" => { "pi" => "a string", "e" => "a string", "phi" => "a string" },
    "variant"    => "e",
    "enabled"  => true },
  { "name"     => "example_disabled_named_float",
    "kind"     => "float",
    "variants" => { "pi" => 3.141592653589793, "e" => 2.718281828459045, "phi" => 1.618033988749894 },
    "variant"    => "e",
    "enabled"  => false }

This can be read from a file using the OpenFeature::SDK::Contrib::FileProvider class or from a URL using the UrlProvider class.


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add openfeature-ruby-sdk-contrib

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install openfeature-ruby-sdk-contrib


If you are using rails, this code will go in an initializer. If you aren't, replace the assignments for Rails.application.config.openfeature_provider and Rails.application.config.openfeature_client with constants that you will have access to application-wide.

File Provider

require "open_feature/sdk/contrib"

Rails.application.config.openfeature_provider =
cache_duration: 300,
deep_keys: ["flags"], # If your flags are nested inside of a response, this array is a list of keys that will get to the array where the actual flags are defined
format: :yaml, # json or yaml
source: "/path/to/file.yml"

Rails.application.config.openfeature_client =
client_options: { name: "your arbitrary client name" },
provider: Rails.application.config.openfeature_provider

HTTP Provider

require "open_feature/sdk/contrib"

Rails.application.config.openfeature_provider =
  cache_duration: 300,
  deep_keys: ["flags"], # If your flags are nested inside of a response, this array is a list of keys that will get to the array where the actual flags are defined
  extra_options: { Authorization: "Bearer <some token>" }, # This object can be anything that gets passed to
  format: :json, # json or yaml
  source: "https://some.url/feature-flags"

Rails.application.config.openfeature_client =
  client_options: { name: "your arbitrary client name" },
  provider: Rails.application.config.openfeature_provider

Custom Auth Strategy

Some applications may require more finesse to authenticate, for example, an OAuth Flow. To use this style flow, the extra_options key that is passed to accepts an authentication_strategy key. This key gets passed to the internal Faraday client as a middleware, so it can be anything usable as a Faraday middleware. Example:

  module FaradayMiddleware
    class MyCustomMiddleware < Faraday::Middleware
      def initialize(args)
        # do stuff

      def call(env)

    Faraday::Request.register_middleware my_custom_middleware: -> { MyCustomMiddleware }

  Rails.application.config.openfeature_provider =
    extra_options: {
      authentication_strategy: [:my_custom_middleware, my_custom_middleware_arguments]


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.