OpenURI with Memcached caching –

Carelessly make heavy OpenURI calls as many times as you like with local memcached picking up the slack and stopping people from sending you hate mail.

Require the library using

require 'openuri_memcached'

To get started run your memcached server

$ memcached -d

The default address that this gem will terminate against is localhost:11211, you can change this using = ['', '']

The cache defaults to 15 minutes, however this can be changed using:

OpenURI::Cache.expiry = 60 * 10 # Ten long minutes

Execution Use exactly the same as you would openuri, only.. enable it.

require 'openuri_memcached'
open("").read # Slow as a wet week

Quit your app (leave memcached running) and run the same example, it should now happen in less then … some time that is really fast.

Questions and comments can be directed to ben at

Requirements: » Ruby 1.8.6 » Memcached » memcache - Refer to for installation notes For the gem, do this ‘sudo env ARCHFLAGS=“-arch i386” gem install memcached –no-rdoc –no-ri – –with-opt-dir=/opt/local`