
What is this?

Optify will be a gem providing Ruby bindings for the Optify API.

What is Optify (the company)?

Optify calls itself "inbound marketing software", which includes tools for:

  • Social media campaigns
  • Email marketing
  • Sales enablement
  • Visitor tracking and analytics
  • Salesforce integration

See more at optify.net


When it's turned into a gem, you can install it with:

gem install optify

If you're using Bundler, add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'optify'


You must have a token to access the Optify API, so first initialize a new instance of the Optify class to get started.

@optify = Optify.new('token')

Now you can run your queries and parse the output.

Output Options

  • XML (default)
  • JSON


  • sites - get all site information
  • site by id - get information on a specific site based on its id
  • visitors by site - get all visitor information for a specific site
  • visitor by site and id - get visitor information for a specific visitor on a specific site
