Set Up

Required Files:

  • .rvmrc
  • Gemfile
  • Gemfile.lock
  • config/database.yml
  • .git/config
  • config/unicorn.rb

Setting up .git/config

Your .git/config should know about the remotes you will be using to deploy to the server (usually just origin) as it will pull information about the remote from your local config file

Setting up RVM

On your ruby servers you should create a .rvmrc in the home directory of the user running unicorn.




Required gems

  • rake
  • bundler
  • unicorn

ors deploy commands assume you are using unicorn for your servers.


run ors help for a list of commands to use.

Brief Examples

Deploying to the staging website

bundle exec ors deploy to staging

Deploying a feature branch to the production website

bundle exec ors deploy origin/feature_branch

Deploying a feature branch to the staging website

bundle exec ors deploy origin/feature_branch to staging


  • By default the environment is assumed to be production and the branch you are deploying is assumed to be origin/#environment.
  • You can override settings by implementing a config/deploy.yml file in your repo.