Outerspace Blockchain

This application is instable and under development.

Please, use it with caution and at your own risk.

A Ruby implementation of web blockchain framework.

Developed using TDD (Test Driven Development).

Github Actions CI/CD pipeline.

Firestore is used to store the blockchain.

Simplecov is used to test code coverage.

Rails Engine is used to create the blockchain.

Tailwind CSS is used to style the blockchain web interface.

Rspec is used to test the blockchain.

Build Version: 0.2.0


  • [ ] Firebase integration (this will be use instead of Redis management)
  • [ ] Add and correct tests
  • [ ] Add and correct documentation
  • [ ] Add user verification methods
  • [ ] Better mobile layout
  • [ ] Create the price visualization and the price history api
  • [ ] Add more blockchain features
  • [ ] Add more blockchain tests
  • [ ] Add more blockchain documentation
  • [ ] Add nft's classification class
  • [ ] Add nft's modularization class
  • [ ] Add nft's generator class
  • [ ] Benchmark blockchain and mining
  • [ ] Create a blockchain explorer
  • [ ] Create a default blockchain wallet android app generator with flutter
  • [ ] Create generators that will work with rails and flutter at the same time
  • [ ] Create the user marketplace
  • [ ] Integrate Blockchain Api in other projects

Kubernets integration will be worked on in the future.

System dependencies

1. Docker
2. Postgresql
3. Ruby
4. Redis

Install it from RubyGems (Ruby 3.0.3)

gem install osbc

Run to generate new project

osbc PATH

Compile OSBC from source


Compile the gem from source with the following commands:

git clone 
cd outerspace-blockchain
bundle install



Run the gem with the following command:




Build and install the gem with the following commands:

gem build osbc.gemspec
gem install osbc-GENERATED_VERSION.gem

Use the gem with the following command:


RVM Commands to install Ruby 3.0.3 and Compile the Gem

  • rvm install 3.0.3
  • rvm use 3.0.3
  • rvm gemset create outerspace
  • rvm gemset use outerspace
  • gem install bundler
  • bundle install

    Environment Variables

    The application has a .env file in root folder with the following environment variables:



    Rake tasks

This application has rake tasks to help you with the development process with docker. The tasks are:

Docker actions

  • rake compose:install - build docker compose and migrate the database
  • rake compose:build - build docker compose services
  • rake compose:up - start the docker compose services
  • rake compose:down - stop the docker compose services
  • rake compose:db_detach - detach the database from the docker compose services
  • rake compose:redis_detach - detach the redis from the docker compose services
  • rake compose:back_detach - detach the backend(redis, sidekiq, db) from the docker compose services
  • rake compose:restart - restart the docker compose services
  • rake compose:clean_all - clean all docker compose services #### Database actions
  • rake compose_db:migrate - migrate the database
  • rake compose_db:reset - reset the database
  • rake compose_db:drop - drop the database
  • rake compose_db:create - create the database
  • rake compose_db:seed - seed the database
  • rake compose_db:rollback - rollback the database
  • rake compose_db:setup - setup the database
  • rake compose_db:complete_setup - complete setup the database
  • rake compose_db:reset_setup - drop and setup the database
  • rake compose_db:reset - reset the database

Tests actions

  • rake compose_test:all - run all tests
  • rake compose_test:clean_all - run all tests after cleaning docker compose services
  • rake compose_test:controllers - run controllers tests
  • rake compose_test:models - run models tests
  • rake compose_test:requests - run requests tests
  • rake compose_test:helpers - run helpers tests
  • rake compose_test:mailers - run mailers tests
  • rake compose_test:routing - run routing tests
  • rake compose_test:views - run views tests

LOGS actions

  • rake compose_logs:web - show web logs
  • rake compose_logs:db - show db logs
  • rake compose_logs:redis - show redis logs
  • rake compose_logs:sidekiq - show sidekiq logs
  • rake compose_logs:all - show all logs
  • rake compose_logs:tail_web - tail web logs
  • rake compose_logs:tail_db - tail db logs
  • rake compose_logs:tail_redis - tail redis logs
  • rake compose_logs:tail_sidekiq - tail sidekiq logs
  • rake compose_logs:tail_all - tail all logs
  • rake compose_logs:follow_web - follow web logs
  • rake compose_logs:follow_db - follow db logs
  • rake compose_logs:follow_redis - follow redis logs
  • rake compose_logs:follow_sidekiq - follow sidekiq logs
  • rake compose_logs:follow_all - follow all logs

Start the blockchain

$ rake compose:up

Access the blockchain web interface


Mining Concept

  • Every user will have a randomized acceptable word list
  • This word list will have three classes of words
  • Common words
  • Symbol Sequence
  • Number Sequence

When a user want to mine a block, the user will open a ticket in the server and after the ticket is open, the user will start to mine the block

The mine will depend of the contract signatures that will be formed by the server using the word list of the user

Steps to mine a block:

  1. The user will open a TICKET in the server
  2. The server will send a message to the user to start mining if the POOL is open
  3. The users will load the RANDOM WORD LIST provided by the server API
  4. The user have to use 1 common word, 1 symbol sequence and 1 number sequence, randomize the characters
  5. Transform the shuffled chartacters in a SHA256 hash
  6. The user will send the hash to the server
  7. The server will validate the hash and will send a message to the user if the hash is valid
  8. If the hash is valid, check if the same transactions have the same block state confirmation, if yes, the user will have to mine again in a new state of the transactions timeline
  9. If this transactions was not confirmed at this point at block history the server will add the user signature to the transactions contracts included in the users ticket timeline range
  10. The block only can be hashed when the minimum number of contracts valids with minimum number of signatures is reached
  11. The server will use the signature timeline to determine what transactions will be added to the block
  12. The server will calculate the master hash after confirm all valid contracts signatures
  13. Assignmaster hash to the block, create new block and add to the blockchain with previous block hash
  14. The server will start a open/closed pool cycle ( pool is open only if has a minimun of transactions to mine )
  15. The server will send a message to the user to start mining when the POOL is open and user has a ticket

    The timestamps of the signatures will be usefull to version the block, checking it as a timeline

The miners will be rewarded with the block reward distributed by the number of signatures


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/JesusGautamah/outerspace-blockchain


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.