- Installation
- Usage
- TRACE level
- log only a message
- log only structured data
- log only an exception
- log with a message and custom data
- log with a message and an exception
- log with an exception and custom data
- log with a message, an exception and custom data
- logs with blocks
- Adding custom fields to all logs
- Create a child logger
- Hook before logging
- Using broadcast, log output plural targets
- View pretty logs with node-bunyan or pino
- Use human Readable formatter for console
- How to use with famous products, services and libraries
- Custom formatters and integrations
- License
A structured logging system is capable of handling a message, structured data or an exception easily. It has JSON formatters compatible with Bunyan or pino for Node.js and human readable formatter with Amazing Print for console.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ougai'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install ougai
Ougai::Logger is sub-class of original Logger in Ruby.
All arguments of the initialize
pass through itself to ::Logger.
require 'rubygems'
require 'ougai'
logger = Ougai::Logger.new(STDOUT)
TRACE level
The level
of logger supports TRACE level lower than DEBUG.
logger.level = Ougai::Logger::TRACE # , :trace or 'trace'
log only a message
log only structured data
msg: 'Request', method: 'GET', path: '/login',
format: 'html', controller: 'LoginController',
action: 'new', status: 200
logger.debug(user: { name: 'Taro', age: 19 })
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":9044,"level":20,"time":"2016-10-28T17:58:53.668+09:00","v":0,"msg":"No message","user":{"name":"Taro","age":19}}
If a data does not contain msg
field, msg is set default_message
attribute value of a Logger. its default is 'No message'.
logger. = 'User dump'
logger.debug(user: { name: 'Taro', age: 19 })
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":9303,"level":20,"time":"2016-10-28T18:03:50.118+09:00","v":0,"msg":"User dump","user":{"name":"Taro","age":19}}
log only an exception
raise StandardError, 'some error'
rescue => ex
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":4422,"level":50,"time":"2016-10-22T13:05:02.989+09:00","v":0,"msg":"some error","err":{"name":"StandardError","message":"some error","stack":"main.rb:24:in `<main>'"}}
log with a message and custom data
logger.debug('Debugging', data_id: 1, data_flag: true)
logger.debug('Debug!', custom_data: { id: 1, name: 'something' })
log with a message and an exception
raise StandardError, 'fatal error'
rescue => ex
logger.fatal('Unexpected!', ex)
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":14607,"level":60,"time":"2016-10-16T22:26:48.836+09:00","v":0,"msg":"Unexpected!","err":{"name":"StandardError","message":"fatal error","stack":"main.rb:12:in `<main>'"}}
log with an exception and custom data
raise StandardError, 'some error'
rescue => ex
logger.error(ex, error_id: 999)
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":13962,"level":50,"time":"2016-10-28T23:44:52.144+09:00","v":0,"error_id":999,"err":{"name":"StandardError","message":"some error","stack":"main.rb:40:in `<main>'"}}
log with a message, an exception and custom data
1 / 0
rescue => ex
logger.error('Caught error', ex, reason: 'zero spec')
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":14607,"level":50,"time":"2016-10-16T22:26:48.836+09:00","v":0,"msg":"Caught error","err":{"name":"ZeroDivisionError","message":"divided by 0","stack":"main.rb:18:in `/'\n ...'"},"reason":"zero spec"}
logs with blocks
logger.info { 'Hello!' }
logger.debug do
['User dump', { name: 'Taro', age: 15 }]
logger.error do
['Failed to fetch info', ex, { id: 10 }]
logger.fatal { ex }
logger.fatal do
['Unexpected', ex]
To specify more than one of a message, an exception and custom data, the block returns them as an array.
Adding custom fields to all logs
The fields of with_fields
add to all logs as is.
logger.with_fields = { version: '1.1.0' }
logger.debug(user: { name: 'Taro', age: 19 })
logger.info('Hello!', user: { name: 'Jiro' }, version: '2.3')
{"name":"test","hostname":"mint","pid":30182,"level":20,"time":"2017-07-22T20:52:12.332+09:00","v":0,"version":"1.1.0","msg":"No message","user":{"name":"Taro","age":19}}
If any field of with_fields is specified in each log, the field is overridden.
If the field's type is Array, both with_field value and logging value are merged with concat
and uniq
If the field's type is Hash, then values are merged recursively.
logger.with_fields = { version: '1.1.0', user: { name: 'Taro' } }
logger.debug(user: { age: 19 })
{"name":"test","hostname":"mint","pid":30182,"level":20,"time":"2017-07-22T20:52:12.332+09:00","v":0,"version":"1.1.0","msg":"No message","user":{"name":"Taro","age":19}}
Create a child logger
creates a child logger of self. Its argument with_fields
add to all logs the child logger outputs. A child logger can also create its child logger. If you pass a block to this method, the child logger will be yielded to it.
logger = Ougai::Logger.new(STDOUT)
logger.with_fields = { app: 'yourapp', tags: ['service'], kind: 'main' }
child_logger = logger.child({ tags: ['user'], kind: 'logic' })
logger.info('Created child logger')
child_logger.info('Created a user', name: 'Mike')
gc_logger = child_logger.child({ kind: 'detail' })
child_logger.info('Created grand child logger')
gc_logger.debug('something detail', age: 34, weight: 72)
gc_logger.child({ mode: 'processed' }) do |gcc_logger|
gcc_logger.info('Great-grandchild logger that will be cleaned up on block exit.')
child_logger.sev_threshold = :error # alias of level
child_logger.info('This is not outputted')
gc_logger.info('This is not outputted')
child_logger.error('This is outputted')
gc_logger.error('This is outputted')
child_logger.level = :debug # does not work because the level is below parent one
child_logger.debug('This is not outputted')
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":8342,"level":30,"time":"2017-08-01T22:07:20.400+09:00","v":0,"app":"yourapp","tags":["service"],"kind":"main","msg":"Created child logger"}
{"name":"Mike","hostname":"mint","pid":8342,"level":30,"time":"2017-08-01T22:07:20.400+09:00","v":0,"app":"yourapp","tags":["service","user"],"kind":"logic","msg":"Created a user"}
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":8342,"level":30,"time":"2017-08-01T22:07:20.400+09:00","v":0,"app":"yourapp","tags":["service","user"],"kind":"logic","msg":"Created grand child logger"}
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":8342,"level":20,"time":"2017-08-01T22:07:20.400+09:00","v":0,"app":"yourapp","tags":["service","user"],"kind":"detail","age":34,"weight":72,"msg":"something detail"}
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":8342,"level":20,"time":"2017-08-01T22:07:20.400+09:00","v":0,"app":"yourapp","tags":["service","user"],"kind":"detail","mode":"processed","msg":"Great-grandchild logger that will be cleaned up on block exit."}
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":4894,"level":50,"time":"2017-08-01T22:07:20.401+09:00","v":0,"app":"yourapp","tags":["service","user"],"kind":"logic","msg":"This is outputed"}
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":4894,"level":50,"time":"2017-08-01T22:07:20.401+09:00","v":0,"app":"yourapp","tags":["service","user"],"kind":"detail","msg":"This is outputed"}
If any field exists in both parent log and child log, the parent value is overridden or merged by child value.
If the field's type is Hash, then values are merged recursively.
Hook before logging
Setting before_log
of logger or child an lambda with data
field, a process can be run before log each output.
- Adding variable data (like Thread ID) to logging data can be defined in common.
- Returning
in lambda, the log is cancelled and does not output. - The before_log of child logger is run ahead of the parent logger's.
logger.before_log = lambda do |data|
data[:thread_id] = Thread.current.object_id.to_s(36)
logger.debug('on main thread')
Thread.new { logger.debug('on another thread') }
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":13975,"level":20,"time":"2017-08-06T15:35:53.435+09:00","v":0,"msg":"on main thread","thread_id":"gqe0ava6c"}
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":13975,"level":20,"time":"2017-08-06T15:35:53.435+09:00","v":0,"msg":"on another thread","thread_id":"gqe0cb14g"}
Using broadcast, log output plural targets
can be used to like ActiveSupport::Logger.broadcast
An example
Original logger
outputs STDOUT and error_logger
outputs ./error.log
Every calling for logger
is propagated to error_logger
logger = Ougai::Logger.new(STDOUT)
logger.level = Logger::INFO
error_logger = Ougai::Logger.new('./error.log')
error_logger.level = Logger::ERROR
logger.extend Ougai::Logger.broadcast(error_logger)
logger.error('Failed to do something.')
logger.level = Logger::WARN # error_logger level is also set WARN by propagation
logger.warn('Ignored something.')
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":24915,"level":50,"time":"2017-08-16T17:23:42.416+09:00","v":0,"msg":"Failed to do something."}
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":24915,"level":40,"time":"2017-08-16T17:23:42.416+09:00","v":0,"msg":"Ignored something."}
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":24915,"level":50,"time":"2017-08-16T17:23:42.415+09:00","v":0,"msg":"Failed to do something."}
{"name":"main","hostname":"mint","pid":24915,"level":40,"time":"2017-08-16T17:23:42.416+09:00","v":0,"msg":"Ignored something."}
View pretty logs with node-bunyan or pino
Install bunyan or pino via npm
$ npm install -g bunyan
Pipe a log file to command
$ cat output.log | bunyan
[2016-10-16T22:26:48.835+09:00] INFO: main/14607 on mint: Info message!
[2016-10-16T22:26:48.836+09:00] DEBUG: main/14607 on mint: Debugging (data_id=1, data_flag=true)
[2016-10-16T22:26:48.836+09:00] DEBUG: main/14607 on mint: Debug!
custom_data: {
"id": 1,
"name": "something"
[2016-10-16T22:26:48.836+09:00] FATAL: main/14607 on mint: Unexpected!
main.rb:12:in `<main>'
[2016-10-16T22:26:48.836+09:00] ERROR: main/14607 on mint: Caught error (reason="z
main.rb:18:in `/'
main.rb:18:in `<main>'
If you use Ougai::Formatters::Pino, you can use command pino as well as bunyan.
Use human Readable formatter for console
Add amazing_print to Gemfile and bundle
gem 'amazing_print'
Set Ougai::Formatters::Readable instance to formatter
require 'rubygems'
require 'ougai'
logger = Ougai::Logger.new(STDOUT)
logger.formatter = Ougai::Formatters::Readable.new
Screen result example
How to use with famous products, services and libraries
- Use as Rails logger and apply the request with Lograge
- Customize Sidekiq logger
- Forward logs to Fluentd
- Forward logs to Logentries
- Use as ServerEngine logger
- Forward logs to Loggly
- Use as Rack logger