
Gem Version

Adds Rake tasks for testing packs using minitest.


Add the gem to your Gemfile:

bundle add packs-rails-minitest --group development,test


Once installed, this gem provides the following Rake tasks:

  • packs:test:prepare - ran before the next three tasks
  • packs:test - runs all tests in all packs except system tests
  • packs:test:system - runs all system tests in all packs
  • packs:test:all - runs all tests in all packs including system tests

For each pack, the following tasks are also added:

  • packs:test:<pack name>:prepare - ran before the next three tasks (and as part of packs:test:prepare)
  • packs:test:<pack name> - runs all tests in the pack except system tests
  • packs:test:<pack name>:system - runs all system tests in the pack
  • packs:test:<pack name>:all - runs all tests in the pack including system tests

Overriding standard Rails test tasks

rails test and similar are defined using Thor, meaning they cannot be easily overridden by Rake tasks. There are two ways to overcome this:

  1. Set the environment variables DEFAULT_TEST and DEFAULT_TEST_EXCLUDE to appropriate globs
  2. Create new Rake tasks and use rake test instead of rails test (recommended)

Setting environment variables

The environment variables should be set to values returned by the following Ruby code:

Variable Ruby
DEFAULT_TEST "{.,#{",")}}/test/**/*_test.rb"
DEFAULT_TEST_EXCLUDE "{.,#{",")}}/test/{system,dummy}/**/*_test.rb"

How you set this up is up to you, there isn't really a standard place. In application.rb or boot.rb work, just make sure you only set it if it is not already set, otherwise the Rake tasks defined in this package may not work.

You'll also need to make sure the prepare tasks are run as part of test:prepare, e.g.:


Rake tasks

Appropriate Rake tasks will be defined for you by setting config.packs_rails_minitest.override_tasks = true in your application.rb. If you only include this gem in specific environments you will need to set it conditionally e.g.

config.packs_rails_minitest.override_tasks = true if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?

Remember that you must use rake test instead of rails test for this to work.


Contributions are welcome, simply create a pull request or file an issue.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.